//------------------------------// // Happy Birthday! // Story: Life as a Foal // by BubblePuff //------------------------------// I sat in the playpen with Nyx, Melody Note, North Star, Ekko, and Bioquill while playing with Oswald. Some time had passed, and I had learned to speak a few words and so had the others. I was mostly eating foal food, but on occasion mommy would let me have some of her milkies. I noticed that aunt Pinkie Pie was decorating the castle with streamers, balloons, and other things. Mommy just happened to be walking by, so I looked up and asked her. “Mommy, wat going on?” Mommy put a hoof to her mouth and snickered. “Why, it’s your Birthday Blue Moon. You are one year old today!” “Burday?” “That’s right. Today we celebrate the day you came into world!” I looked at the others and waved my little hooves in the air with excitement. “ U guys hear dat? It my Burday!” “Wats so special about a Burday?” Melody asked. “Burdays are fun!” Bioquill said. He was the oldest out of all of us, but only by a few months. “Da whole day is about u! There’s cake, games, and pwesents!” I couldn’t believe my ears. “Yay! I get pwesents!” “No fair! I want pwesents too!” Nyx said with a pout. “U just have to wait for ur Burday.” I told her. “But I want pwesents now!” Nyx then threw a huge temper tantrum. This brought over aunt Twilight. “It sounds like a certain foal is all out of sorts.” Twilight picked up Nyx and patted her on the back. “I think somepony needs a nap.” Nyx tried to wiggle free from Twilight’s magic, but to no avail. “No nap!” Nyx cried. Twilight tucked Nyx into her crib, then turned off the lights and left her nursery. “I gonna get pwesents, no matta wat!” Nyx mumbled under her breath. I was so excited for my Birthday. I was bouncing up and down with joy all day! Aunts Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all arrived for my party, and they all brought presents! “Happy Birthday sugarcube!” “Happy Birthday darling!” “Happy Birthday champ!” “Happy Birthday cutie!” I blushed at all the attention. Pinkie then came bouncing in. “Alright everypony, let’s get this party started! First up is the games!” As we were let out of the playpen, I looked over at the others. “Do u think Nyx has cwalmed down yet? I don’t want her to miss da party.” “Nyx was just being oderdramatic” Said Ekko. “Well, she usually has stinky diapey!” Melody said with a laugh. Aunt Twilight brought Nyx out of her nursery and set her down to play the games. “U weady for da party?” I asked. Nyx smiled. “U bet I am!” “And to get those pwesents.” “First up is pin the tail on the dragon!” Pinkie announced. A picture of a dragon was tapped to a wall, and we were all given dragon tails with a piece of double sided tape on it. “First up is the Birthday colt!” Pinkie put a blindfold on me, then spun me around until I was dizzy. I crawled over trying to find the dragon. I stopped when I felt the tail stick to something. Took off my blindfold to see that I had stuck the tail to the dragon’s head. I laughed as it looked funny. Nyx Meanwhile was looking at the pile of presents. “Those pwesents are mine!” But before she could crawl over to them, Nyx was grabbed by Pinkie. “Your turn Nyx!” Nyx was blindfolded, given a tail, and spun around until dizzy. Despite being disoriented and unable to see, she still tried to find the presents. Nyx crawled until she bumped into something. “Why da pwesents squishy?” Nyx removed her blindfold to find out that she had stuck the dragon tail to Fluttershy’s butt. “Oh, my!” Fluttershy said with a giggle. Nyx sat down and pouted. “Wats!” Next up was balloon animals. “Just tell what animal you want, and I’ll make it for you!” Pinkie explained. “I wanna giwaffe pwease!” I asked. Pinkie grabbed a yellow balloon and inflated it. She then moved her hooves so fast that the giraffe was done in under a second. “Here you go Birthday colt!” “Tank u!” I smiled at the giraffe, it’s long neck was silly. Nyx still stared at the pile of presents. They were up on a table, and she was trying to figure out a way to reach them. “I need a way up dware, but how?” Nyx looked around and saw one of the helium tanks that Pinkie used to inflate her balloons. That’s when Nyx got an idea. As we all waited to get our balloon animals, Nyx snuck over to the helium tank. She then grabbed a hose and stuck it down her diaper. The tank was on it’s side, so that made it easy for Nyx to turn the handle. Nyx’s diaper then began to inflate with helium. The bigger Nyx’s diaper got, the higher she lifted up off the floor. “Soon those pwesents will be mine!” As Nyx got higher, the bigger her diaper became. It was practically the size of a beach ball. Eventually Nyx reached the top of the table. But just as she was about to reach out and touch the presents, her diaper exploded with a loud pop. We all turned our heads to see pieces of the diaper flying everywhere, and Nyx landing on her bottom. “Nyx, what are you doing!?” Aunt Twilight said in a panic/worried voiced. Nyx’s face turned bright red with embarrassment. Aunt Twilight rushed over and picked up Nyx. “Thank goodness you’re not hurt, but don’t scare me like that! Now let’s get you changed.” Aunt Twilight took Nyx away to be changed while the other adults cleaned up her burst diaper. “Double wats!” Nyx said with another pout face. The time finally came to blow out the candle on my cake. Pinkie rolled it out, and it was huge. “I couldn’t decide on what flavor of chocolate to use, so I made a layer of dark chocolate, a layer of milk chocolate, and a layer white chocolate! Plus, I made a special mint flavored frosting!” Just looking at the cake was making me drool. Mommy lit the candle, and everypony began to sing Happy Birthday. I took a deep breath, blew out the candle with all of my might(Though I may have had some help from mommy.) Then the time finally came to open the presents! The first one was from mommy. I opened it and it was a helmet just like hers, except made out of platinum. “When my son becomes the co-ruler of the night, he will need a proper helmet!” Mommy explained. I tried to put it on, but it was so big that it nearly covered my body. Mommy just glanced at everypony else. “What? He’ll grow into it.” Aunt Rarity gave me onesie that she made. It was royal blue in color and covered in stars.Aunt Rainbow Dash gave a wonderbolts action figure of herself.Aunt Applejack gave me homemade fleece blanket that was green and covered with apples.Aunt Fluttershy gave me a nightlight that was shaped like a bunny. Aunt Luna gave me a toy train that made bubbles as it went around the tracks. Aunt Cadance gave me a paddle cart that looked like the royal chariot. Aunt Twilight gave me a story book that doubled as a coloring book. Aunt Quick Wit gave me a keyboard that lit up and played music as well as sounds. While I was opening my presents, Nyx snuck away to the final present from Aunt Celestia. “Finally! One of da pwesents is mine!” She tore through the paper and looked at the gift with confusion. It was white, almost round, made of plastic, and appeared to meant to hold something. It did have a lid, but the lid had an opening in it. The opening was big enough for Nyx to put her head through it. “It must be a hat!” Nyx put it on and wore it proudly. “Alright Blue, it’s time for my gift.” Aunt Celestia said. She turned to get it, but was then surprised to see Nyx. We all looked over at Nyx, who wore the gift with a proud smile on her face. Aunt Celestia couldn’t help but giggle and ask “Nyx, why are wearing Blue’s potty on your head?” We all broke out laughing. Nyx took off the the potty, feeling completely embarrassed. “U pwincess potty head!” I pointed and laughed. “Dat not funny!” Nyx grabbed a piece of the Birthday cake and threw it at me, nailing me in the face. I wiped off the frosting, grabbed a piece of my own, and threw and hit Nyx. “FOOD FIGHT!” Aunt Pinkie shouted. From there, it was chaos. Cake was flying everywhere, Aunt Fluttershy was hiding under a table, North Star was crying and holding Aunt Luna’s leg. Aunt Rarity had managed to put on a raincoat and hat. (I guessed she learned from the last time.) Of course, we all needed a bath because of the mess we made. After we were dried off, Nyx approached me. “Blue, I sowry I twied to take to take ur pwesents. I was jeawous. And I’m sowry I ruined ur cake.” I smiled and gave Nyx a hug. “Dat’s ok, this Burday party was great! And da food fight made it even more fun! Don’t worry about da pwesents. U can pway with da toys I got, I share wit u!” Nyx smiled and hugged me back. After a big Birthday, mommy put me in my new onesie, place me in my crib and tucked me under my new blanket, plugged in my new night light and kissed me goodnight. I held Oswald close as I drifted off to sleep, smiling.