The Story of Twilight Glow

by Jeweled Pen

S1 CH 19. Dresses

Twilight groaned and rested her head on the desk.

Half. Done.

Finally, after more time than she cared to admit, the book was half done. She still had to do a bunch of editing, but it was halfway there and she couldn’t help being a little proud of it. Best of all, she was right on time. She’d spent the last few weeks alone in her room, focusing on the task at hoof.

Her friends had been about, of course, but they all had their own lives to live and with all the work they’d been doing they didn’t have nearly as much time to meet up as she would have liked. Her main concern, though, was whenever they were gone more than a few days she was worried one of them may have crossed Nightmare Moon and ended up in a poor situation.

Fortunately, that hadn’t happened yet. In fact, Nightmare Moon was being quite tolerable as of late. There hadn’t been any rebellions that she had heard of and no new whippings. She’d actually seen Moondancer smiling in the library the other day as she did research on some new spell.

Granted, the reason there likely hadn’t been any new rebellions was because apparently a great red dragon had decided to take up residence in a cave near Ponyville. It was now enjoying life as a squirrel under Fluttershy’s care, thanks to Nightmare Moon’s magic, and there was no telling when or even if it would gain its old form back. A display of magic like that was definitely something most of them had no desire to be on the opposite end of. She was still hoping she could get an interview with the dragon to tell its story, but the whole thing had apparently been quite traumatic for the poor dear and Fluttershy wasn't allowing it any guests yet. It also didn't help that winter was now here and who wanted to throw a big rebellion when there was snow everywhere? She couldn't believe how cold it was getting, though if it was just winter or the fact there was no sun, she couldn't say.

“Soooo, are we going soon?” Spike asked from the bed, rocking back and forth.

“Hmmm?” Twilight asked, glancing to her assistant. The little dragon had been acting very strange lately. Constantly asking to run down and help the others with their work on decorations and the like for the gala. Rarity had told her he’d been an absolute doll as well. She didn’t know where this newfound desire to help was coming from, but she hoped it meant he was warming up to the ponies. “Yes. Do you want to go on ahe--”

“Bye!” Spike said before running out the door.

Twilight just stared and cocked her head to the side, before shrugging.

Twilight shook her head and started trotting towards the door, taking a moment to make sure everything was good before she headed out. She turned off the lights and did another double check just to make sure there weren't any hidden shades in her room. Satisfied, she started trotting down the stairs.

At the foot of the stairs was a guard. He quickly bowed his head. “Your highness, could you come with me?”

“Huh? Of course,” she said, trotting after the guard. “Am I in trouble?”

“You're not the one in trouble,” he muttered.

“What?” she asked, new dread flowing into her. “What's wrong? What happened?”

He sighed. “They managed to finally track down Nightwing.”

“Night--” Her eyes went wide. “Y-you mean the vampire who... oh no.”

He nodded. “Yes. He just arrived and his fate is to be determined momentarily.”

“D-do the others know?”

“Not yet, but they likely will soon.”

Twilight nodded and started walking faster, making the guard struggle to keep up. She felt new panic rising within her. This vampire had gone against whatever its orders had been and turned Fluttershy. There was no telling what horrible and gruesome fate awaited him. She let in a sharp intake of air when she finally made it to the throne room.

To her relief, Nightwing wasn't pinned to the wall on a spear or anything. Though his face was covered in bruises and there were traces of blood across his mouth and nose. He was wrapped entirely in chains and gagged, with two bat ponies on either side of him. She imagined they were likely the same creatures of the night as he.

“Ah, bard,” Nightmare Moon said, giving a nod. “We have waited for you.”

Twilight looked to the vampire, his head lowered in shame. “This... this is him?” she asked softly, her hooves trembling. It had been dark that night so she couldn't be sure, but it looked like him. At least close enough she couldn't tell the difference. Chained and helpless he looked weak and pathetic.

“Do you not remember the one who killed your friend?”

“It was a dark night and it all happened very fast,” she muttered softly.

“Yes, this is he. He has confessed to all that has happened,” Nightmare Moon said with a nod. “And now comes the time of his punishment.” She glanced to the vampire. “And I find it only fitting that you be the one to decide it.”

Alarm bells went off in Twilight's head. “W-what? ME? Why me? I don't know anything about... why me?”

“Was it not your friend who was killed and left abandoned by this creature?” Nightmare Moon asked. “Was it not you who were forced to hunt him down and reclaim her? You are very much attached to this entire ordeal, like it or not, and this creature has insulted you greatly. As such, we will determine its fate through you.”

Twilight nodded and stared at the helpless vampire. She wanted to go get her friends, but not for something like this. She didn't want to have to make a decision like that, but she definitely didn't want to have to make her friends make a decision like this either. She knew he had to be punished, but she couldn't imagine what kind of punishment to give him.

No, actually, it wasn't that complex. All she had to think of was Fluttershy. She'd only met the mare a few times, but she was soft and gentle, somepony who didn't deserve what fate had thrown at her. But even more, she wouldn't want somepony to be hurt too badly for what he'd done. If Rainbow found out, though, she knew there'd be problems down the line. “Imprisonment,” she finally said.

Nightmare Moon nodded. “Is that all?”

Twilight blinked and stared at him. All? How many punishments was she allowed to dole out? Should she have him whipped? She rubbed her chin and stared at him, before shaking her head. “Imprisonment. For... these acts,” she said softly. “That is all.” She couldn't imagine Fluttershy wanting more for him and in the end, she knew it should be her decision.

“Truly, that is all you wish, after what he did to your friend?”

“Yes,” she said with a nod, a new fear sneaking up her spine. Would Nightmare Moon ignore her request and do something more?

The alicorn eyed her for a moment, before nodding her head. “As you wish. Guards! Prepare him. I will take him to Tartarus myself.”

Twilight's eyes widened. “W-what? Tartarus? But I thought--”

“He is a vampire, a creature of the night, with powers to match. A normal prison will not hold him forever,” Nightmare Moon said firmly. “At least, not unless we... modify him first. Would you prefer that?”

She thought back to Tirek's modifications and gave a shudder. “N-no. Tartarus... is fine.”

She heard a frightened whimper from the vampire. “Very well, bard. You are free to leave.”

Twilight nodded and quickly turned tail, fleeing the scene.


“Wow, Twilight, you look like you saw a ghost,” Rainbow said with a grin.

“I saw Nightwing,” the earth pony said with a shudder.

“WHAT?!” her friends screamed, making her cringe.

“Where is he? I'll kill him!” Rainbow snapped, sitting up from the table.

“Tartarus,” Twilight muttered softly, her eyes lowered.

“What?” Fluttershy asked softly.

“I'm sorry, Fluttershy,” Twilight said softly. “Nightmare Moon let... me decide his punishment. I said... imprisonment. She chose Tartarus as... as where to send him.”

“Oh... oh dear. That poor thing,” Fluttershy said softly. “Is he going to be okay?”

Every eye fell on her. “What do you mean is he going to be okay?” Rainbow asked, glaring. “He killed you!”

“It wasn't on purpose,” Fluttershy said softly. “And I feel just awful about the whole thing. I'm sure he never meant it.”

“Didn't... mean it?” Rainbow said, before face hoofing. “He should have been... I don't know... tossed into a pit or something! Exiled! Imprisoned! Whipped!”

“Executed?” Spike offered.

The pegasus blinked and then nodded, slowly. “Yes. What he did to Fluttershy is unacceptable. I mean, she's the... you're the nicest pony ever. He never should have hurt you!”

“No, he shouldn't have,” Fluttershy said with a shrug. “But he did and it's over, now. There's nothing that can be done about it.” She gave a nervous look to Twilight. “He will be alright, won't he?”

“He won't be dead,” Twilight muttered, nudging the table. “Alright is kind of... well... up to debate these days. After he's served his time for a while, we could discuss with Nightmare Moon about releasing him. If you want.”

“That'd be nice,” Fluttershy said with a small smile.

Rainbow sighed and grumbled darkly, tapping her hoof on the table. “He deserves whatever he gets.”

“I hate to admit it, but I agree with Rainbow on this,” Rarity said with a nod. “This whole... vampire ordeal is simply dreadful.” She gave a shudder. “I mean, bad enough it turns out all those stories are real. But if they can't be controlled, what's to stop more things like... that happening to other ponies? If they can do it to somepony as sweet and wonderful as Fluttershy, what's to stop them from doing it to all of the rest of us?”

“I don't know, most the vampires I've met are really super nice!” Pinkie said with a grin. “And I mean, now that Fluttershy's one that just makes them even nicer!”

Every eye turned to Pinkie, mouths falling open. “Wait. VampireS?” Twilight asked.

“Well, yeah.”

“How did you... you mean you know OTHER vampires?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, duh silly. I work in a bakery!”

The ponies went silent as they tried to process this information. Twilight was the first to recover. “How does a... baker know... about... vampires? I mean, how are those two things connect?”

“Where else is a vampire going to get their baked goods, silly? Do you know how few places sell stake and coffin themed cakes year around?”

“That doesn't... that's not what I... I just mean... how did... there... what?!”

Pinkie just cocked her head to the side. “That's a lot of really funny noises, Twilight! Can I try some? Grggggl! Rngggk! Awkkrrrrk!”

“How do you know about vampires!” Rainbow snapped, slamming a hoof down on the ground. “And why didn't you tell me?!”

“Of course I told you,” Pinkie said with a giggle. “Remember my prank cheat sheet? I gave you a whole list of people not to use garlic on, silly!”

Rainbow stared, her mouth falling open. “Wait, that was because they were VAMPIRES?! I thought they were allergic!”

“Nope! Well, okay, some of them are. But some of them were vampires, yes,” Pinkie said with a shrug. “What's the big deal? They're really nice, you know. And they absolutely looooove fruit deserts. We probably sell more fruit parfaits to the few vampires in Ponyville than we do the whole rest of the town put together!”

Rarity shook her head. “You mean... all this time I've... we've been... a-around them? Around other vampires? Are there wereponies, too?”

“Of course, silly. They're the most playful ponies ever! It's why I always make sure to have a few bouncy balls hidden around the shop.”

“O-oh, this is absolutely dreadful, we should do something! Start a petition, we can't--”

“Okay, that's gone on far enough!” Applejack snapped, slamming her hoof down on the table and drawing silence from her friends.

Rainbow stared for a few moments, before speaking up again. “What? They're just vampires. Look at what they did to--”

“Look at what ONE of them did tah poor Fluttershy,” Applejack said firmly, shaking her head. “And need ah remind yah, she's one of them, now.”

Rainbow blinked and looked to the yellow pegasus who was sitting meekly in her chair, eyes lowered. “I-I didn't mean, Fluttershy is different, she's good. It's the other ones I think we need to worry about. Not her. She's just--”

“Vampire or not, they're all still jus' ponies. This one plum screwed up, tah put it mildly. But that don't mean they're all bad. Ain't a thing yah can say tah convince meh that Fluttershy would ever do a thing tah hurt anypony an' she certainly doesn't deserve tah get treated like a criminal just cause a few bad apples. An' if we know at least one good vampire, chances are there are a whole herd of 'em out there jus' waitin'.”

Rarity and Rainbow lowered their eyes. The fashionista spoke up after a moment. “Today is the strangest day. I find myself agreeing with our more rugged friend, now. I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I got caught up in the moment, but she's right. Even if a few of them are bad apples, I'm sure there are others who are good and wholesome, like yourself.”

Rainbow nodded. “She's right. Sorry I just get so... I think about what he did to you and I want to just... GAHHHH!” She shook her head.

“I-I know,” Fluttershy said with a soft smile. “It's really not so bad, though! It's a bit... different, I'll admit, but you get used to it. I ummmm...”

Twilight blinked and chewed on her lower lip, glancing to Fluttershy. “So... have you been having any trouble finding blood?”

“Well, ah gotta say yah missed quite the doozy of a hoe down in Ponyville,” Applejack said quickly, interrupting before Fluttershy could answer.. “Mah big brother went an' got himself injured right in the middle of harvest, can yah believe it?”

Rarity rolled her eyes and gave a nod. “Oh, I know, just absolutely dreadful! And dear Applejack was trying to do the fields all on her lonesome, can you imagine?”

Twilight blinked. “Wait, is that why you guys left for a few days? I was wondering where you went. Why didn't you tell me?”

Applejack and Rarity shared a look before bursting into giggles. “We did, darling. Many times.”

“So did I,” Spike said with a light snicker.

“W-what? I think I'd remember that.”

“Yah were in the midst of your fancy book,” Applejack said with a big grin. “Ah think we coulda lit yah on fire and yah wouldn't 'ave noticed unless the pages caught on.”

Twilight's cheeks turned red. “O-oh. I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to--”

“Nah, it's fine,” the farmer said with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “Yah seemed tah be havin' fun, so didn't wanna bother yah. Besides, mah brother woulda still been there. Hate tah see yah have another panic attack.”

Twilight's cheeks turned bright red. “T-that was a… o-one time… thing… I-I assure you.”

Rainbow snickered, a hoof over her mouth. “So, you really thought Big Mac was some kind of monster? Mister tall, dark and wouldn’t hurt a mosquito that landed on his hoof?”

Her cheeks turned even redder. “H-he was r-really big and c-can we go onto something else? ANYTHING else? Applejack, what else have you been up to?” she asked, covering her face with her hooves.

“Well, me and a few of the gals went down tah Appleoosa, had tah drop off a lil tree for ‘em. Yah shoulda seen the dunderheads, the lotta them! So, these here buffalo had apparently been running through this open plain for years, it was their stampeding grounds! So what does the town go and do? Grow a whole field of apples in the middle of ‘em! Ah mean, really? They couldn’t ah spent two seconds askin’ the locals about the land first?” She shook her head. “By the time we got there, the whole town and the tribe of buffalo were ready tah go tah war!” She rolled her eyes.

“I sang a song!” Pinkie added with a nod.

“… Yes yah did,” Applejack said with a shudder. “So finally, they’re all fightin’ an’ throwin’ pies at each other, then finally one of them pipes up and goes ‘hey, what if we just moved some of the trees so we could share the land?’”

“You gotta share, you gotta care,” Pinkie sang.

“Exactly. Ah mean, honestly, ah know ah may not always be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even ah woulda figured that out after bein’ there a few days!”

“Then why didn’t you?” Pinkie asked with a grin.

Applejack blinked and then blushed. “Well, ah got drawn up in all their silly lil fightin’, that’s all,” she muttered, rubbing her chin with a light chuckle. “Eh heh heh heh. So, mah lil sister been hangin’ out a lot with Rarity’s lil sis, too. What are they calling themselves now?”

Rarity gave a soft sigh of exasperation. “Cutie mark crusaders. Frankly, it’s absolutely dreadful! Now, I wouldn’t mind so much of they were being more careful, but they are constantly running around and breaking everything within sight, it’s deplorable and so disappointing. I do hope they weren’t too bad when they were staying with you, Fluttershy?”

“Oh, not at all, they were absolute dreams,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Yeah, about that,” Applejack said with a frown. “Mah lil sis said somethin’ about a whole heard of cockatrices… cockatrie? Cockatrikes? Cocka… the bird snake things that turn yah tah stone. A whole herd of them bein’ out there an’ yah starin’ ‘em down.”

“Oh no, nothing like that happened!” Fluttershy said with a gasp.

“What ah figured.”

“It was only one and once I stared it down, it was an absolute dear. It actually comes by every so often for tea.”

“Come again?” Applejack asked, all of the ponies staring at her.

“Oh, his name is Andrea and he’s really quite sweet.”

“Leave it to Fluttershy,” Rainbow said with a snicker.

“Oh, ummm, h-how has your training been going, Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked, the other ponies still staring at her.

The pegasus glanced back to her wings. “Sore inducing, mostly. Got paired up with Shadowfang while he shows me the ropes. They canceled the young fliers competition, which kind of sucked. I was totally going to do a Sonic Rainboom this year.”

“Really?” Fluttershy asked. “You figured it out?”

“Well, errr, n-no, not yet, but I’ve almost got it. I’m sure I’ll have it soon,” Rainbow said with a sheepish grin. “But I’ve been getting in a TON of training with the others. Spitfire is AWESOME. Though… well…”

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

“Some of the fliers are a bit… weird,” the pegasus mumbled. “I think… I think some of them are wereponies.”

Twilight blinked, her eyes narrowed. “Really?”

“Yeah. They keep scratching themselves and I swear they have claws. I brought it up to Shadowfang and he just got kind of jumpy and freaked out a bit, asked if I had a problem with it. Honestly? It doesn’t bother me but I’d kind of like to know if they are. It’s a little… worrying if they are and they keep hiding it from us, you know? I mean, don’t we have a right to know?”

“Ah don’t know,” Applejack muttered. “With the whole vampire thing, wereponies probably ain’t farin’ much better. Ponies all over the place flippin’ out on ‘em an’ causin’ all kinds a scenes. I couldn’t blame ‘em for wanting tah keep it hush hush.”

Rainbow sighed and gave a nod. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Still, wish they’d at least tell us. What happens if they crash into us and accidentally turn us?”

“Oh, oh!” Twilight said, lifting a hoof up. “I can answer that!”


Twilight grinned wide. “Yes, my studies are relevant! So, it turns out it takes more than a little scratch or bite to turn someone into a werewolf. While many wereponies will show signs of their werepony-ness, such as claws, yellow eyes, being hairier, it doesn’t actually mean they’re werewolves. Some ponies are just… well… pony genetics can be weird, with magic and all. But it takes more than that to turn them. To turn a pony, first a werepony has to be in their werepony state. Oh, and there are more than just wolves ones, as well. There are timberwolves, bears, rabbits, which if you’ve ever met one is the most ADORABLE thing, and all manner of different animals and creatures. The wereponies come in almost as many variations as, well, normal ponies.”

“Uh… huh,” Rainbow said with a nod.

“Now, aside from the full moon, a werepony should have enough control of their mind and functions to avoid accidentally turning anypony. Even in states of aggression they will rarely, if ever, lose control. Granted, this applies to wereponies, not… others.”

“What do you mean, others?”

“Well… there are other types of weres out there. Griffons, dragons, buffalo and… it seems the pony variation manages to avoid most of the… nasty side effects. Hence why most other types of weres have been hunted to, or near, extinction. But our variation of it is relatively tame and safe.”

“Then why was Celestia keeping it hidden for so long?”

“To avoid panic,” Twilight muttered. “And I’m beginning to see why. There have been dozens of rallies against them and vampires since. Fortunately nothing has gotten violent yet, but there are plenty of reports of ponies losing their job after being suspected of being one. Hopefully, once they’ve become more known things will calm down.”

Rainbow shrugged. Fluttershy nodded. “It’s true. A few ponies have… expressed a desire to find new caretakers for their pets after I came out.”

“What? You? But you’re like, the sweetest, kindest pony EVER. How could ANYPONY think something bad about you?” Rainbow asked, staring at the mare. “That’d be like… thinking bad of Celestia! It just doesn’t happen.”

“The newspapers would disagree,” Twilight muttered.

“Well, the newspapers can kiss my flank,” Rainbow snapped. “Ugh, this is all just so… headache inducing.”

“Oh, how’s Gilda doing?” Twilight asked.

“Her? Ugh. She’s been staying at my place and working to clear the skies in Ponyville. She complains a lot and doesn’t get along well with a lot of the ponies there, though.”

Fluttershy nodded. “She can be a bit… curt… at times...”

“She can be a big grouchy butt!” Pinkie said with a nod. “But she’s warming up to us, really!”

“She got really mad at me last time I swung by,” Rainbow said with a shake of her head. “Accused me of not being as cool as I used to be. Still, she’s at least trying and considering I know she doesn’t want to be here, I’m trying to give her a fair shake.”

“Yeah, but ah think her pranks are even worse than yours, Rainbow,” Applejack said with a shake of her head.

“Don’t worry, she’ll knock them off eventually. Though… she get any good ones?” Rainbow asked with a big grin.

“Scared the dickens out of ol’ Granny Smith, usin’ some fake snake or another. She’d ran a good five, six feet before somepony managed tah let her know what was goin’ on.”

Rainbow snickered, a hoof over her mouth and drawing glares from the farm pony. “W-what? It’s funny! I used to love doing the pretend snake gag.”

“Ugh,” Rarity said with a roll of her eyes. “Those pranks of yours are always so foalish, Rainbow. I really wish you, and your friend, would grow out of them by now.”

“A shame Gilda wasn’t able to join us,” Twilight said with a sigh.

“Yeah, she’s not exactly keen on coming any closer here than she has to. You know, with princess anger, rage and murder on the throne,” Rainbow said flatly. “Can’t say I blame her.”

“You literally work for her now,” Twilight said flatly.

“No, I work for the Shadowbolts. Who are awesome. It’s not my fault they work under the throne. The Wonderbolts were hardly Celestia, after all.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head, before Rarity coughed into a hoof. “Now, I know we’ve all been dreadfully busy with our preparations of late, but with the gala fast approaching, there was one more thing I wished to discuss with all of you.”

“Well? Go on, spit it out,” Applejack said with a shrug.

“I’ve managed to finish the dresses, so to speak. I do need a final fitting. There is, ahhhh, one problem though,” Rarity said with a small smile. “They’re here, though.”

“Wait, really? Ohhhh, awesome! I wanna see!” Rainbow said with a grin, drawing more looks from the others. “What? The whole dress thing is kinda cool as long as I don’t have to wear one.”

Twilight sighed and looked back to Rarity. “So, what’s the problem?”

“In what order do I show them? What with… Nightmare Moon expecting a dress...”

“Ah. Right,” Twilight said before rubbing her chin. “Probably best to show Nightmare Moon hers first. If somepony else sees it first and she finds out...”

Rarity gave a sigh of exasperation. “To think, I once dreamed of designing a dress for royalty...”

Rainbow snickered. “Hey, at least your dresses are still pretty awesome.” She wave a light wave of her hoof. “At least, to those who like that kind of thing.”

Twilight nodded, then glanced to Spike. “Is something wrong? You’ve been oddly quiet?”

“W-what? N-nothing!” the dragon said, his cheeks red, still eying Rarity.

She shrugged and dismissed it. If she didn’t know better, she’d think the dragon was developing a crush. But she knew that was preposterous. A dragon crushing on a pony? Bah. Not to mention the first time he’d seen her he’d barely even noticed the fashionista. Though, at the time she had been a bit… out of sorts. “So, how about we order our lunches and then go see about these dresses? I don’t think Nightmare Moon has too much to do today and it might be, well… better to get this over with quickly. Tear the bandaid off, after all.”

The others nodded and they flagged down a waiter.


“Err, y-your royal highness,” Rarity said nervously before bowing before the ruler. “Your dress for the gala is complete. I have had that one and all of the others, delivered. I just, err, for the fitting...”

Nightmare Moon cocked an eye, before giving a nod. “Very well. Then we will finish the fitting now. Is there anything on my schedule?”

Moondancer eeped and pulled out a small clipboard before shaking her head. “No! Your highness. Everything is, err, finished. We have time to ummm... now.” Twilight suspected that the clipboard often had space in it. She wondered how the unicorn filled the time.

“Very well. Have the dresses brought in!” she demanded.

Rarity nodded before glancing back to her friends who gave encouraging smiles. Twilight let out a soft sigh, hoping this would all go well. Soon, three large crates were brought into the room and the largest was pried open quickly by Rarity. “Now, here we are.” She pulled the ponyquinn out and displayed it.

Twilight couldn't help but gasp at the dress. It had a long, flowing back end with three separate layers. The bottom layer was a clear purple, with twinkling gems like stars. About halfway up it was a more solid purple, with flowing gems with trails like meteors. And then the top layer, that went over Nightmare Moon's back was white, with diamonds. The breastplate was pure black, with a single crescent moon across it. The boots were purple and long, going over halfway up her legs.

Nightmare Moon slowly put it on and Rarity quickly stepped forward to perform the measurements, before nodding. “I'll, errrr, need to resize it, of course. But ummm... w-what do you... think?”

The mare looked down at herself, before looking to Twilight. “Your opinion, bard?”

Twilight opened her mouth.

“Honest opinion. I will not banish or yell at you for it. Nor your friend.”

Twilight blinked a few times and looked at it again, thoughtfully. The stars on it were a bit out of alignment and the shooting stars were a bit off on proportions. They looked good, but they weren't authentic. She was about to give that response, before pausing.

She thought about some of the stories she'd written over the years, where she'd received feedback like that. She remembered the time she'd played a little fast and loose with the rules for the good of the story, how she technically cheated. How it all didn't perfectly add up every time. For some stories things had to be perfect, every detail had to be right and correct.

But then there were stories where a person was supposed to feel, more than understand. Where things didn't always make sense, but that was okay. In the end, they were happy. And that's what this dress was. Not quite a story, not quite perfect, but as a whole it was beautiful.

“Personally, I like it. I think it looks marvelous on you, your highness.”

Nightmare Moon nodded. “Very well then, you others may give me whatever praise you wished.”

“Huh? Oh, uhhh, looks awesome,” Rainbow said with a shrug, the others soon following suit. Rarity let out a sigh of relief.

Nightmare Moon looked down at Rarity. “I see you were not giving empty boasts, young unicorn.”


“Your gown is quite exquisite. To have made something like this with only the first measurements is quite impressive. I look forward to working with you in the future on such designs.”

Rarity blinked. “E-err, of course. Now, I have six other outfits I made. Ummm, if that's okay?”

Nightmare Moon nodded. “Of course.”

“Wait, six? I told you, I'm wearing my Shadowbolt uniform!” Rainbow objected.

“Oh, it's not for you,” Rarity said with a shake of her head. “Well, seven, actually. But I didn't bring mine. And I didn't make a gown for Spike. Unless he'd like one?”

“WHAT?” Spike asked, his cheeks red. “I'm not wearing a dress!”

“Oh well,” Rarity said. “I did bring an outfit for you though, darling.”

“Wait, if not for Rainbow, who's the last dress for?” Twilight asked.

“Err... w-well... eh... heh heh,” the fashionista said nervously. “I-I realized, ummmm, that I was making one for Nightmare Moon and her bard. I thought making one for her student might be fun as well. I... didn't have your measurements or anything though, dear. And if you already have a dress, I completely understand. But, Moondancer, if you'd like to see it?”

“I uhhh, I would, yes,” Moondancer said, her eyes wide and stunned. “You... actually made me a dress?”

“Yes. I didn't have your measurements though, so I had to use my own. Hopefully we can shape it better.” She opened one of the crates and pulled out three dresses. She placed one by Moondancer, one by Applejack and one by Pinkie.

Moondancer's was a black with dark purples on the skirt, forming little scales across the back. It covered her front hooves and poofed up slightly around the shoulder, with little streaks of red, like her mane, across her back. She even pulled out some sleek, black glasses and put them over Moondancer's eyes. The unicorn gulped when she was all dressed, tapping a dark purple shoe on the ground. “I... errrr... how do I look?” she asked with a little squeak.

“I think you look great,” Twilight said with a nod.

Nightmare Moon nodded, before glancing to Applejack and Pinkie. The two were staring at their dresses quizzically.

Applejack's used heavy greens and browns, with small boots and a saddle, along with a fancy new cowpony hat. Pinkie's was white and many shades of pink, with adorable little pink slippers and ornamental candy all over it.

“Is something wrong?” Twilight asked.

“It jus'... ain't what ah pictured,” Applejack mumbled.

“Yeah... I was thinking something more... cupcaky! Oh, and a tutu!” Pinkie said with a grin.

“An' ah figured it could use galoshes. Ah mean, what if there's some kinda mud or somethin'? An' a bigger hat. Ah mean, it is a special occasion.”

Rarity blinked and then nodded. “I... I see. I'm sorry, I'll get to work immediately and--” She yelped as a wing was placed down in front of her. Nightmare Moon was glaring down at them. The two gulped nervously.

“You consider yourselves friends with yon designer pony, do you not?”

“Y-yes?” Applejack said with a little squeak.

“And yet, after she has worked with great determination and skill to create such beautiful dresses, you cease to be happy and demand yet more?”

“W-well, ah didn't mean like that, ah merely meant--”

“Silence! We may not be aware of all of the fashion trends of the modern era, but even we can see these dresses are quite special!”

“Y-your highness, please, t-there's no need to be angry on my behalf,” Rarity said quickly. “If they don't like them, they don't like them. As a designer, it's my duty to make them what they like, not what I like.”

The alicorn scowled down at her, before sighing and pulling her wing back. “Very well. If you will... accept such comments, then I will in no way interfere.”

Applejack looked at her dress before cocking her head to the side. “Ugh, ah hate tah say it, but Nightmare Moon's right. Err, ah mean, err, no offense, your highness.”

“... Offense taken, but carry on.”

“Ah don't know nothin' about fashion or the like. Any dress ah wanted tah make would probably look sillier than a one legged goat ridin' a pogo stick.” She gave the dress a little nudge. “Fashions your thing, Rarity. So ah'm gonna trust your judgment.”

Rarity's cheeks burned red. “Y-you don't have to--”

“Nah, ah mean it. Yah got more fashion sense in your lil hoof than ah do in mah whole body.”

The mare blushed and gave a nod. “W-well, I do appreciate that. Thank you.”

Pinkie nodded. “Yeah... I guess something I'd wear to entertain colts and fillies at a birthday party might not be the same as needed for a gala like this, huh? Well, I'll trust you, too!”

“Very good. Thank you. Now, Spike, Twilight, Fluttershy? Here.” She opened up the last crate and pulled out Spike's first. It was a small tuxedo with a red bowtie, glimmering and sparkling like gemstones. “I thought you'd look absolutely dashing in a tuxedo.”

“Oh, uhhh, t-thank you,” he said sheepishly.

“Now, Twilight, you were a little more difficult, but I found a few old tomes in the library and they gave me such inspiration!” She pulled out a dazzling blue dress. However, sewn across it in silver threads were runes. Twilight's eyes almost glowed and she dashed forward.

“Are these... runes? Actual runic magic runes?”

“W-well, they aren't active, no. But I managed to find some from old books in the library.”

Rainbow snorted. “Let me guess, you have a minor in them?”

“Nope,” Twilight said with a shake of her head.


“Why would I have a major in runic magic as an earth pony?”

Rainbow blinked a few times. “Wait, rea--”

“I have a masters in it! This was part of my first thesis! You see, there are all kinds of different runes. These ones would be ceremonial, they don't actually carry any magic in them. They're so precisely done, how did you manage it?”

“Well, there were plenty of old dress images in the book I mentioned, I merely copied them. They said they were non-dangerous, so I assumed that...” She paused and looked at Nightmare Moon. “Your highness?”

The alicorn was staring at the dress, her eyes slightly misty. Twilight blinked and looked up. “Nightmare Moon?”

The mare didn't respond. Finally Twilight waved a hoof in front of her face and the mare recoiled. “What?”

“Your highness, you seem... disturbed,” the earth pony said softly.

“We... we are fine. I... I shall retire to the library. You may do as you wish,” Nightmare Moon muttered, trotting away from them after removing her dress. She stopped when Moondancer moved to follow her. “I wish to be alone.” The door slammed shut a moment later.

“That was... weird,” Rainbow said. “Not scary weird, either. Just... weird.”

“Well, I for one think this is amazing! I can't even remember the last time a rune dress has been used! It's absolutely stunning, Rarity!” Twilight said with a big grin.

Rarity blushed and gave a nod. “T-thank you. And now, for Fluttershy.” She gave the pegasus a small smile. “Now, I know... with everything that's happened, I wanted to try something new. If that's okay?”

“Ummm... o-okay,” Fluttershy said softly. “I'm sure it's nice?”

Rarity nodded and pulled out the final dress. The front was primarily black as well, with dark netting over the hooves and with a gentle cascading lines across the wings. However, across the back were woven interlocking vines that cascaded down the back and opened up to create a long, green gown decorated with a few flowers. “What, ummm, do you think?”

Fluttershy ran a hoof down it, cocking her head slightly to the side. “I think it's nice. Thank you very much, Rarity. But maybe you could have put a nest in it? For my little friends? I just think...” She paused for a moment and blinked. “No... I guess that wouldn't be very fashionable, would it?”

“A... a nest?” Rarity asked.

“Never mind,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “So, ummm, the fitting?”

“Ah, right, of course!”

It wasn't long before the dresses were properly measured and her friends started to head off to their duties. She trotted after Fluttershy. “Hey, Rainbow had to run off to meet with the Shadowbolts and the others are still prepping for the gala, but I can walk you to the train if you like? I've got nothing pressing to do.”

The pegasus blinked and then blushed. “O-oh, no. I was, ummm, actually planning to go see the gardens again. If... if that's okay?”

Twilight blinked and nodded. “Oh, sure. I'll walk with you. If that's okay?”

“What about Spike?”

“He's...” She looked around. “Gone. Again. Sometimes I wonder about him. Is that okay?”

“Mmmm... okay… if you want...”

Twilight nodded and trotted besides the mare as the two walked out into the cool night. A thin layer of snow had gathered across the garden, making it crunch lightly underhoof with each step. It was, however, still surprisingly warm. At least compared to the snow and how cold the last few days had been. She considered going in to get a cloak, but decided against it. She didn’t expect they’d be out here long.

“Are you cold?” Fluttershy asked.

“What? No, I’m fine. You?”

“I don’t really… get cold much anymore. It’s… weird.”

Twilight nodded, then looked around. “So, uhhh… how are you… well… coping?”

“One day at a time. It’s not as bad as I thought it’d be. I… I’m really happy Rainbow was there those first few days. I… I know I said no but...” She gave a shudder. “It was… it was really bad then.”

“And now?”

“It’s more… mildly aggravating. Some ponies treat me differently but… I don’t feel much different. Except for when I have to… ummm… you know...”

“R-right. Have you, errr, had any trouble with, uhhh… the whole… blood thing?”

The pegasus shuddered again. “A little.”


“Ponies are a little too giving about it.”

“… What?”

“Rainbow in particular. Sometimes she’ll chase me around the cottage, going ‘bite me, bite me!’ I don’t want to drain anypony, really, but I swear she acts as if I’m starving myself. Honestly, the first time was pretty bad but after that? You get used to it.”

“Really? So you don’t mind?’

“I mind, but well… I kind of need it? And they insist it doesn’t hurt them that much. How about… ummmm… your stuff?”

“Well, I managed to take a bunch of notes on shades, werewolves and vampires. I gave them to a local publisher, that’s why those new mini-guides have been showing up. At least they’re helping to keep people calm. Slightly calm. Calmer than without them. No riots. Though you’ve seen first hand how some ponies are still reacting. I wish I could have written the books myself, though.”

Fluttershy chuckled and gave a nod, looking around. “It’s not so bad once you’re used to it? The cravings are new and… not feeling… alive is weird. But… I don’t really feel dead, either? So… it’s not so bad. A lot of the times I don’t even mind it. So, ummm, about… well… Nightwing?”


“Can you… see about helping him?”

“He killed you! Literally!”

Fluttershy lowered her eyes. “I-I know, but… but I think it was an accident. I mean, he seemed really nice and ummmm… he did care about his pet.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head. She really couldn’t imagine anypony else worrying this much about their murderer. Her life had taken the strangest turns lately. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you. It’s really not so bad, though. But I have drunk sooooo much apple juice. It’s true, though. Sweet Apple Acres really does make the best apple juice.”

Twilight snickered and gave a nod. “Applejack okay delivering it?”

“It’s usually Big Mac, actually. He’s just the sweetest thing.”

Fluttershy nodded and then stopped, once again in front of the opera singing statue. Twilight cringed at the sight. A bit of puddy had been smeared over it, but now huge cracks were forming all over it and it was obvious the thing was falling apart. They’d probably have to replace the whole thing. Such a shame, it was such a unique piece. “Have you tried being a bat? Well, more than... once?”

“Oh! Yes! It’s actually really fun! I’ve been able to fly with some of the other bats and they’re just the nicest things. It’s not like flying as a pegasus at all. And the world looks so different and it’s a bit confusing, but the others are really nice and friendly. Though I had to apologize when I ended up in Applejack’s barn and accidentally fell on top of her. She laughed it off but I still think she was kind of annoyed at me.”

Twilight nodded and barely suppressed a snicker at the thought of Fluttershy suddenly falling from the rafters onto Applejack. “That uhhh, m-must of been quite the sight.”

“Oh, it was,” Fluttershy said with a nod. “All the other bats kept laughing, but they were very good natured about it.” She looked up at the statue. “Do… you ever think we’ll see the sun again?”

Twilight blinked and stared up, before shaking her head. “No. I… I hate saying it, but no. Nightmare Moon hasn’t… I don’t think she’ll ever bring it back. It would take something… big for that. Like, really big. I couldn’t imagine anything ever happening that would lead to her doing that. But… hopefully.” She then looked towards Fluttershy. “But… Nightmare Moon has changed since she’s been here.”


“Yes. She’s a lot more… friendly. Not actually friendly, but more friendly than she has been. We still have regular courts and she does try to listen to ponies. I haven’t seen her actually rage at anypony in a while and others seem to be slowly coming around as well. It’s… distinctly possible that, one day, we might even grow to like her. Or at least not mind her.”

“Really?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes. She’s, well… she does care about us. She really does. I know she doesn’t always show it like… at all. And she’s really, really bad with ponies. But she wants to try and make us happy. She just doesn’t always have any idea what she’s doing. She has the social maturity of a stunted filly,” Twilight said with a shake of her head. “But she’s coming around. Getting better at coping with things. It… might even be possible that one day she’ll… let us see Celestia again.”

There was a sharp intake of air. Considering the other mare didn’t breath, it was quite impressive. “R-really?”

“Yes. She’s becoming more… accepting, I think? Calls Celestia her sister a lot more and is more… open about talking about her. I think a part of her even… misses her. If that can be believed.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I know I miss her. Do you really think that’ll happen? She’ll let us have her back?”

“Maybe. Now, it’s not guaranteed. It might even just be wishful thinking on my part. But she’s calming down. A little bit every day. She can have her moments but well… I haven’t even seen any whippings in ages. And now she just looks...” She frowned and thought back to the way she’d looked at the dress. “Like… she did back there. More...” She hummed.


“Yeah. I honestly… I can see why she was so upset. I think I’d be upset, too. Considering the stuff she told me about how things were when she was… well… living. Well, not living but…. You know what I mean, right? She’s always been living but before this when she was...”


“Luna. When she lived with Celestia. When they were both here. Things… it seems things just weren’t so good then. At least, not for her. But now… she’s getting what she thought she wanted. And I don’t think it’s initially what she wanted. Since NOPONY can ignore her now.”

Fluttershy nodded. “That’s the truth. You seem more comfortable too.”

The writer blinked. “I do? Really?”

“Oh, yes. You were very… fidgety the first time I met you. But now? You seem so happy and smiling all the time. Well, not all the time, but most of the time. You don’t look… scared.”

Twilight chuckled and rubbed her head. “I think mostly I’m just annoyed a lot of the time. And angry. Oh, she makes me really, really angry. But she also… I think I’m getting used to her. As scary as THAT notion is. And as I spend more time writing her story, I just feel more… connected with her.” She shrugged then shuffled her hooves a bit. “And… I think she might be more talk than she lets on. When she gets mad, she threatens all kinds of things, but nine times out of ten Moondancer and I are able to talk her down and it’s not even getting that hard anymore. It’s almost mundane at this point.”

Fluttershy gave a little giggle. “Truly? Nightmare Moon? Mundane?”

“Yes. I swear sometimes she’s like a child. A very big, overgrown child. All you need to do is swat her on the nose and she knocks it off.” She paused. “That’s… that’s a puppy, isn’t it?”

“Actually that’s not a good thing to do with a puppy. Positive enforcement works far better...”

“Oh. Well, my point still stands. She’s… manageable. Once you know how to work her. But until then, well, she’s… err… how to put it...”


“Something like that. But...”


“Honestly? The way she was looking at those dresses. Or rather, my dress. It makes me feel… uneasy.”


“Yeah. I’ve seen her act a bit… sad before. But that was… maybe I should check on her. I need to go by the library anyway for Tirek.”


“Oh, the magic draining spirit thing. It’s… a long story,” Twilight said with a soft chuckle. “He’s actually… a completely horrible person who I think might be trying to manipulate me into freeing him. I’m halfway tempted to, to be honest. Not that I could, even if I wanted. But it is tempting.”

“W-wait, he was the reason she’s, ummm… draining… ponies?”

“Not the reason, just the means. And yeah. He has his own interesting little story I’ve been learning and I’ll be putting THAT book out soon after I do Nightmare Moon’s. Well, hopefully. There are so many works I need to get done. Really, he’s not so bad. Not good, but not bad. Ill tempered. At least he hasn’t had anypony whipped.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I’ll need to take your word for it?” Fluttershy said with a confused grin. “If you want to go check on her now, you can? I can ummmm, make my own way to the trains...”

“What? No. I said I’ll walk you back and I meant it.”

The pegasus was silent for a few moments before sighing. “Twilight… I just… I kind of want to be alone right now.”

The earth pony blinked. “W-what? Why would… o-oh. Right. Because they caught… Okay.” She leaned forward and gave her a hug. “Be safe, okay? Let me know if you need ANYTHING at all, okay?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course, I will. I know the first few days were rough, but I’m doing a lot better now, I swear.”

“Good. You know we all love you, right? We all are here if you need us.”

The pegasus nodded and then pulled away. “I know. I’m fine, really. I swear.”

“Okay. I’ll see you later then, Fluttershy,” Twilight said before turning and trotting towards the castle. Time to get some books. A part of her hoped Nightmare Moon was done by the time she got there.


Alarm bells went off in her head when she stepped outside the library. The smell of smoke lingered in the air and she could hear Nightmare Moon yelling at… something. She felt panic in her heart and raced inside, half expecting to see the mare in the midst of trying to fight off some dragon attack.

What she did not expect to see the alicorn with a stack of books in front of her and a pile of ash behind her. Nor her to raise up a book into the air and tossing it behind her as it burned. The librarian was hiding behind the counter, her eyes wide with horror.

But Twilight didn’t see her.

All Twilight saw was red.