//------------------------------// // The Gathering // Story: PONYVERSE // by TopWanted //------------------------------// The Gathering !@#$%^&*&^%$#@! Rainbow sat in the ice cave in quiet contemplation. The bitter snow and wind raged outside but did not even dare to enter this tiny conclave. She had been alone for hours now, forced to wait and endure the inhospitable conditions of this place. To keep her mind focused she polished her blades, sharpening both her mind and her weapons. She was beginning to regret trusting that demon. Still, she would be patient. If she could find Applejack again, that would be worth all the wait in the world. As if in answer to her prayers a figure in a brown sewn coat walked in from the snow, her hood obscuring her face. Her hooves were covered in large black boots and a crossbow hung from her side. She stopped at the entrance to the cave examining the phenomenon as the cold seemed to disappear when you walked in. “Ah guess this is the place.” Rainbow’s ears perked up and she stealthily slid her blades into their respective sheaths. Then slipped a hoof into her robe, ready for anything. The newcomer approached silently, almost stealthily. Boots like that should have made some kind of noise but on her they were like the footsteps of a mouse. Suddenly she stopped moving and stood silently for a moment. “Rainbow, is that you?” Rainbow spun quickly, pulling a weighted chain from her robes and shooting it straight at the pony’s chest. The figure dodged narrowly, removing the large coat with a flourish and flipping the strap around her neck so her crossbow faced her attacker. Rainbow at the same time swung her chain around her hoof then pulled the other end of it to unsheath her dagger attached to the end, as well as grabbing the longer wakizashi blade in her mouth and brandishing it. They charged each other stopping only a few hooves away as recognition clicked. “You’re not Applejack.” She looked like Applejack but she was missing something the mare wouldn’t be caught dead without. Her Stetson. “And you’re not Rainbow.” Her hair was in a bun tied back, something the hot-headed rowdy mare she knew would never do. They both wearily took steps back from each other, eyeing the other apprehensively while they replaced their weapons. “So you wanna explain just who you are, then?” Applejack asked. “I’d ask the same,” Rainbow replied gruffly. “If this is all a trick by that stallion, so help me…” Applejack clicked her tongue. “Blue fella, able to do crazy stuff magic can’t explain?” Rainbow straightened up as her wakizashi clicked back into place in her sheath. “It seems we’ve both been promised something by that demon.” “You think that’s what he is?” “I have no idea.” They stood in silence as they both stared at each other. The differences were slight but they still looked exactly like those ponies they knew. Applejack began to chuckle. “So what are you supposed to be? Some kind of samurai?” “Something like that,” Rainbow replied succinctly. “What are you supposed to be? Some kind of hunter?” “Somethin’ like that,” Applejack muttered. They both were silent again before each let out a snort and laughed. “I can tell it’s been pretty tough on you.” Applejack let her laughter die down and she wiped an eye. “Kind of. But Ah’m here to set everythin’ straight.” Rainbow nodded resolutely. “So am I.” Just then a figure in black landed in the cave. She wore a dark purple and black uniform but her mane juxtaposed it by being long and pink. She removed her facemask and took a deep breath of the cave air before looking around. “Fluttershy too?” Applejack choked out. “Applejack!” Fluttershy’s eyes widened. She smiled widely and flew over to grab her in a big hug. “I can’t believe you’re alive!” Applejack was too stunned to respond but reluctantly disengaged the embrace and shook her head. She laughed again but this time it was more strained and forced. “Ah’m sorry. Ah just need to… Ah’m sorry.” She retreated to another end of the cave away from everypony and huddled in it. Fluttershy looked confused for a moment then her face sunk into depression. “She’s not Applejack, is she?” She turned. “And you’re definitely not Rainbow.” Rainbow shook her head. “Not the one you’re thinking of.” “Then I guess, you’re not the pony I’m looking for either.” They both turned to see a new pony enter. She wore reddish silver armor that covered almost all of her body. The only thing apparent was the glow of her eyes behind the visor and the elegantly curled violet tail. She approached Fluttershy confidently and inspected her. “You do look much less feral than the one I’m looking for.” “Ah know that voice,” Applejack muttered from her corner. With one quick motion she snapped up and fired off a round from her crossbow. The newcomer twisted her hoof in the air and a pillar of crystal erupted from the ground in front of her. The crystals caught the bolt but to everypony’s surprise it cut clearly through the incredibly hard stone, poking out the other side. “That’s some fearsome weapon you have,” the armored mare chuckled and flicked the bolt playfully. “But I don’t have any business with you.” She let the crystal crumble away. “But Ah have business with you, Rarity!” Applejack lunged at her but before a fight could ensue two dark tendrils wrapped around the two and pulled them away. “That’s enough of that,” Fluttershy stated emphatically, all emotion lost from her voice. “You want to kill each other, go outside.” The armored Rarity giggled and cast a glance at Applejack. “Oh, I’d love a sparring match, darling, but I don’t think I’m the one you want.” Applejack let the tendrils pull her away then fall to the floor. She gritted her teeth and then huffed and turned back to her corner. Rarity glanced back at Fluttershy as she recalled her magic. “I must say, that is some interesting powers you have. Darkness based magic was never my thing but I respect anypony that can use it properly.” Fluttershy narrowed her eyes at her. “It’s not like I had a choice.” “Is this everypony we are waiting for then?” Applejack asked. “Not yet,” Rainbow replied. “Mr. 4 said he wanted six of us.” “Ooh, I wonder whose next then,” Rarity replied with sarcastic enthusiasm. “I simply love meeting new ponies.” The sound of another set of hooves on stone caught their attention and they turned. A new mare in a sleek body suit and goggles entered. Her hair was violet while her mane was a deep purple with stripes of pink. She examined each of them in turn and let out a sigh. “So this is what he meant.” “Twilight?” Fluttershy asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’d prefer if you called me Matterhorn.” “And the fifth member of our little party arrives,” Rarity proclaimed. “Now will somepony please explain to me why we are waiting?” “I agree,” Rainbow broke in. “Where is Mr. 4?” “He told me he had to make final arrangements,” Twilight replied. “But he should be back soon.” She cast a quick glance around. “Wait, there should be six of us.” “That’s what I said,” Rainbow stated coldly. “No, I mean he told me you all would already be here.” Everypony looked around each other for a moment before looking to Rainbow. “Don’t look at me, I was the first one here and I didn’t see anypony.” A pair of hooves wrapped lazily around her neck and a face leaned into her ear. “Maybe you just weren’t looking hard enough.” Rainbow’s eyes widened as she slapped the hooves away and spun to throw her chain. But when she reached in her robe she found it gone. Everypony was now staring past her at the new arrival that suddenly appeared. She was bright pink with a slightly poofy mane that was pink frosted with green. She wore a pinstripe suit of purple and pink and had the bluest eyes any of them had ever seen. She was also swinging a weighted chain in her hoof playfully. “Neat little thing. I prefer them big and bulkier so you get the satisfaction of hearing a loud crunch when it hits a skull, but different strokes, different folks.” She tossed the chain back to her and Rainbow caught it, glaring daggers at her. “Geez, so serious.” Twilight let out a groan and rubbed her forehead. “Why in the world are you here?” “You know her?” Rarity asked. “I know of her,” she grumbled. The Pinkster sauntered over to her playfully. “And I don’t know you, Twilight. But I’d certainly like to.” She flashed a wide smile with eyes that seemed to drill into her soul. “Wait, how did you know my name?” Pinkster pointed over her shoulder at Fluttershy. “She just said it. As for why I’m here, I thought it was about reforming the Elements of Hamboning or something. I call Laughter! It’s kind of my whole schtick.” She sat on a rock and threw back her head as she laughed hysterically. It wasn’t the happy kind of laughter either. Everypony felt a chill as they heard it. “Just where did you come from?” Rainbow asked angrily. “I’ve been watching the door for hours.” The Pinkster grinned at her and cocked her head to the side. “And I’ve been watching you.” Rainbow actually took a step back from her, every warning light in her mind going off about this character. “Looks like everypony’s all introduced.” They all turned to find their benefactor strolling in casually, his face a grim mess of tired lines and frazzled hair. “It looks like all the preparations are done. So who wants to see their friends again?” Everypony turned to face Mr. 4 eyeing him wearily. Matterhorn was the first to speak. “You didn’t tell me these would be the ones you’d gather.” “Is there a problem with them?” he asked coldly. Matterhorn was about to respond when she paused and turned to look at them. Each one dangerous in their own right and looking about ready to maul something with impatience. “N-No. We’re fine.” “Good.” He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Remember, you’re the one that screwed up. This is your last shot to make things right.” Matterhorn hung her head. She hated herself for this, but there was no choice. He was simply too powerful, and she didn’t want to feel that powerless ever again. --- Six figures waited patiently at the edge of the woods, moonlight barely outlining their forms. One paced around as another flew circles anxiously. “Argh! When is she getting back?” the flyer asked with annoyance. “Calm down, Ah’m sure she’s just helpin’ out. It’s what she does after all,” another replied. “I know she’s powerful but I always worry everytime she leaves,” the pacer said as she tapped her hoof. “Aw, calm down,” a fourth said cheerfully. “She is an alicorn. No matter what happens she’s always ready to help. Not like we could’ve stopped her anyway.” “I know you’re right, darling,” said the fifth. “But even I’m getting a little bit nervous. She said she’d be back quickly but it feels like its been hours.” “We just have to have a little faith,” said the sixth in a quiet voice. “Let’s all trust in her.” The next moment there was a flash of light and eight new faces appeared in the shadow of the forest as well. Several collapsed with exhaustion while the others tried to tend to them. A gray alicorn with a golden mane stood in their midst breathing heavily. Mare Do-Well reeled on the alicorn before she could speak. “Okay, lady! I need you to talk right now! Who are you? Where are we? Why did you save us?” The alicorn held up a hoof to silence her and to Mare Do-Well’s surprise she shut up. “I’m sorry. That took a lot more out of me than I thought.” She looked up at the sky and saw the moon above. “It’s this late?! I need to get back to the altar now before he notices!” She noticed the ponies in shadow. “Thank Faust your all still here. They need medical attention can you help?” “Of course,” replied one of the figures in shadow. “Thank you. I need to go back and figure out what his next move is. I’ll talk to you all later.” Then she was gone with a flash. “Wait! Damn it!” Mare Do-Well kicked the ground as she spun on the other ponies present. They approached confidently through the darkness as Mare Do-Well and the others readied themselves in case of attack. The first to approach into the light bore a strikingly familiar face with a purple mane and horn. “You don’t have to be afraid. I’m Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends.” The rest of the six followed. Mare Do-Well’s eyes widened and she stepped out into the light as well followed by the rest of her comrades. They stared at each other for a long moment. “This feels awkward,” the other Rarity mused. Applejack moaned slightly and they all seemed to notice her as Flutterbat helped to support her. “Are you okay?” the other Applejack gasped as she hurried to her counterpart. “None of you look okay,” Twilight noted. “Let’s get you all back to Ponyville, we’ll figure out the sleeping arrangements on the way.” She waved her hoof for them to follow and most went, but Mare Do-Well stayed hesitant. Twilight turned back to her. “If you can’t trust yourselves, who can you trust?” Mare Do-Well huffed at that and began to trudge after them carrying a comatose Suntrix. “You have no idea how funny that is.”