Bite-Sized Spike

by ShrunkenBro

Chapter 1. Down To Size

"YAAAH!" Princess Twilight Sparkle gave a loud yawn that echoed in the hallway.

"Oh I hate these long meetings." Twilight said rubbing her eyes of to clear the sleep from them, and giving a few more, smaller yawns. Alongside her walked a little purple dragon, Spike, Twilight's little brother and her number one assistant.

"Twilight you look tired you should take a nap," Spike said as he ran up in front of her, directing her back onto the straight rug she was drifting from.

"Oh Spike I'm fine," The alicorn yawned and gave a chuckle "I'm fine really I don't need any,.." Twilight slowly close her eyes and began walking straight for pillar at the end of the hallway Spike gasped and quickly grabbed Twilight's tail, while planting his feet on the rug. The dragon pulled on her tail, but his effort was in vain as Twilight pulled him right along with her, still heading right for the pillar.

"TWILIGHT!" both Spike, and two familiar voices cried making the violet alicorn jump and stop mere inches from the slamming her muzzle into the pillar

"W-what's wrong?" asked Twilight.

"You almost went head first into that thing." Spike told her in a concerned tone, which Shining Armor and Cadence nodded at, while walking up beside the pair.

"Twiliy you ok?" asked Shining, looking down at his LSBFF.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired." Twilight rubbing her head.

"I think these meetings have kept you up too long," Cadence said as she put a hoof on her shoulder. Spike went up to the couple "I told her she needs to take nap, but she insisted she’s fine."

"I'm afraid Spike's right Twilight, you need to sleep." Cadence said to Twilight in a motherly tone.

"But I'll miss the meetings." Twilight tried to argue.

"No Twiliy you need to sleep." Shining Armor said Twilight rubbing her eyes and giving another huge yawn.

"I guess you’re right." Twilight yawned again then closed her eyes and fell asleep standing in place. Shining and Cadence looked at each other and smiled. Shining Armor's horn glowed lifting Twilight off the floor and onto his back Twilight started snuggling into her brother's blue mane.

"Lets take her to her room." Cadence looked down at Spike and smiled . "Come on Spike you can ride on my back."

"Thanks." Spike said as he climbed onto Cadence's back. The four then went through the castle, finally arriving at Twilight’s old room. The place, while it still looked less taken care of than it had before, was mostly clean and free of debris today, thanks to Moondancer and her group coming in to clean it up about once a month. Looking at the pair they were carrying around, the couple were pleased to find they had drifted off to sleep together, and so the alicorn mare and unicorn stallion placed them on their old beds.

“They look just adorable, don’t they?” said Cadence, as she looked down at her sister-in-law, gently brushing her mane with her hoof, and causing the young mare to sigh in her sleep.

“Yeah, just like a pair of little kids. Almost makes me wish we had one of our own,” he said, tucking Spike into his bed, and then gently kissing him on his forehead, causing the little dragon to wave a claw at him to get him to back off.

“You know,” began Cadence, but Shining lifted his hoof in the air to quickly cut her off.

“No, we don’t need one of those right now. We’ve got an empire to run. Besides, you remember when I had that squad bunk with us last month. Are you saying you want that sort of thing twenty-four/seven?” asked the stallion, and Cadence flashed back to the days of running around their apartments, cleaning up after the guards, and breaking up at least a fight an hour when somepony said something that got another riled up.

“Hmm, maybe,” she said suggestively, and then held her hoof under his chin, scratching at him with the tip, and causing Shining to briefly wonder if they shouldn’t try for a little pony of their own, only to quickly remember that he had way too much to do already, shaking his head, and pushing her hoof away.

“No, no you don’t. Now come on, we’ve still got a few meetings to go to ourselves before the day is done,” he told her, before sweeping her up in his legs and planting a rather large kiss on her lips. This seemed to satisfying the Alicorn of Love, at least for now, and the pair soon left the tower with Twilight in it, Shining making a mental note to check up on her in a few hours, before gently shutting the door behind him, leaving Twilight and Spike to their rest.

Shining stopped in the hallway and started thinking. He went back opened the door watching Twilight and Spike sleep in their beds. He closed the door behind him still thinking of his siblings, and those days when he was younger began to swirl in his mind. He remembered how he would take care of Twiliy and Spike when she was still just a filly and Spike was a baby. He remembered all the fun he'd had with his little sister and brother.

All the times pretending to be a giant monster for Spike and Twilight to fight in the little games of imagination, or the times when Twiliy had gotten a makeup kit for her birthday, even if she didn't like it at a young age, but she did enjoy painting her brother's face. It may have been embracing for the poor stallion but he loved making his sister happy.

"Maybe Cadence is right?" Shining said to himself running his hoof threw his mane still not sure if he wanted to have a baby yet.

"I guess I'll just have to think about it," Shining noticed his wife was already far ahead of him and quickly rushed down the hall.

Inside the room, Spike dreamed of those halcyon days of his youth as well. His memories were, of course, colored far differently than Shining’s. He remembered Twilight’s mom and dad, and how they always looked at him with those bright, shining faces, always stopping to answer his questions when Twilight wouldn’t. He remembered those nights, standing in front of Twilight’s bedroom as she read her books, marching back and forth with a small wooden spear over his shoulder, guarding her from any interruption.

He’d grown up since then, of course. Twilight didn’t need his protection anymore, not that she ever really had. Still, he took care of her in other ways now, guarding her less from the world at large, and more from herself. He always made sure she ate, for one thing, as the newest princess still sometimes found herself forgetting about such things. He’d even opened a tab with the Hayburger Queen down the street, always ready to send an order over to the Golden Oaks Library, and then the Castle of Friendship, whenever he called.

These memories, flooding his mind, made Spike smile in his dreams. Above him, Twilight, was sadly not smiling. Her face was scrunched up in concentration, as her dreams were of tests she hadn’t taken, and classes she had forgotten to study for. Heck, she even had one where she had shown up to her finals naked, her mind for some reason finding that odd. Panicked as the other children began to laugh, Twilight focused in her dream on a spell to make herself smaller, so she could slip away, and in the waking world, that spell began to form on the tip of her horn, a small glow beginning to come from the tip.

Spike began to turn in his sleep a familiar sense of uneasiness was stirring in the little dragon's head making him wake up to Twilight tossing and turning, as well as talking in her sleep.

"No,.. No I'm not th,.. Please I'm not,.. Ready!" Spike climbed onto the bed, ready to wake Twilight from her nightmare. The dragon was given a moment of pause when he saw Twilight's horn started glow.

"Uh oh not again." Spike said, eminently regretting his action. The last time Twilight used spells in her sleep he woke with pumpkin for a head and dancing books tearing through the library. Spike quickly ducked when a white and purple blast of light shot from Twilight's horn, just missing him. Instead it hit a nearby stack of books making them shrink to the size of few bits.

"Ok that's new!" shouted the little dragon, wondering where that spell had come from, as he didn’t know his alicorn friend knew any size alteration spells. Spike turned to Twilight and tried to wake her up by shaking her shoulders.

"No!... No!... Don't look,... I didn't study!" Twilight mumbled, still very much asleep. She then started up a new spell, lines of magical light slowly building in the air around her, while her horn glowed brightly. With a jerk of her neck, she tossed the young dragon aside, and he found her horn pointed right at him.

"Twilight WAIT!" Spike tried to dodge out of the way, but couldn't move fast enough. A similar bolt of magic to before shot from Twilight's horn hitting first a mirror, then bouncing up to the chandelier overhead, and finally off a small gem stone that the dragon had been saving for a snack later.

The bolt then struck the dragon right in the chest, Spike causing him to fly back and in mere seconds he started to get smaller and smaller in mid-air.

"NOOoooooooo!" Spike shrank till he reached the size 3 inches tall. As his voice trailed off, he found himself falling off the bed, and then just to the side of the carpet, so that his path took him right down onto the hard tile floor that made up most of the space in Twilight’s bedroom. The tile, cold and hard as stone, came up to meet him quite fast, and Spike, being quick on his feet, quickly breathed out a quart of hot flames. The force of the fire gave him lift, and he was able to, with a grunt, land safely on the floor of the room, leaving only a tiny burned spot on the tile.

To Be Continued.