//------------------------------// // Chapter 12 // Story: The Bill-inning // by EmperorDalek //------------------------------// Adventures in the Dreamscape Part 2 Sitting atop the towering mountain peak, Luna and Bill were just enjoying each other company. Both individuals exchanging social topics as they were trying to think of other ways they could make their small excursion a little more enjoyable while they were there. While the surrounding landscape was beautiful to look at, it could only get you so far. Instead they had taken to begin discussing various things about each other. Particular the being at their very core. ‘’Something most ponies don’t know about me is that I…play video games when I am alone in my room.’’ Luna said, turning away as she blushed. Bill thrust his fists into the ground, causing the whole mountain to send a shockwave down through it. ‘’No way!’’ He said with a tone of shock, merely earning a confident nod from her. ‘’Yepp…I play whenever I’m feeling down, or just I want something to take my mind off of things.’’ ‘’I never took you of all ponies to be interested in video games. I almost imagined your sister would be more qualified to fill that position.’’ Luna just rolled her eyes, her smile fading into a frown. ‘’Unfortunately that seems to be the more popular of the things our subjects think about us. Not just about hobbies, but about the two of us in general.’’ Luna said. ‘’Everypony thinks Celestia is the more fun, the more interesting, the kindest…While I am for the most part left in the shadows, and considered the brooding one. The one who always wants to be alone…yet,’’ she lowered her head, hiding the beginning of her tears. ‘’they never consider that I might be alone due to me not being quite as liked as my sister.’’ ‘’I hear you, I hear you…’’ he said, as he leaned forward putting a hand to her shoulder. ‘’I too know what it is like to be judged rather unfairly based on your appearance.’’ Lowering his eye, looking down, it turned sad. ‘’I can still remember it…’’ Raising his eye, he looked up at the sky. ‘’I was shunned, avoided, not even given a chance by anyone because of the way I looked. I was avoided, never given any attention by anyone. Outside of a few questions…though, not a single one was about me as a person,’’ he said bringing a hand up to the side of the bricks. ‘’Everyone assumed that because I was a nerd I was not worth the time getting to know…’’ his hand moved away, and started gesturing in the air. ‘’The only ones who ever showed me any kind of attention was my family…But they were my family, they pretty much had no choice.’’ Luna’s gentle vanished away, contorting itself into a saddened frown. Wait, what did he say? Ne- ‘’Sure, I had other things to occupy my mind with, video games, movies, and a whole worldwide web of things…’’ His voice lit up, becoming relatively happy…for a moment. His body hovered up off the blanket, suspending itself in the air. Shrugging his shoulders. But they quickly fell down, hanging beside him. ‘’But honestly what can replace the warmth of at least the slightest of social interactions?’’ He finished. His eye grew sad once again, and the top of his triangular form leaned forward. A sigh followed close behind it. ‘’Oh, Bill…’’ Luna said as she stood up from her spot, and with gentle trots stepped over to him. Standing herself beside him. Feeling something touch him on the shoulder, his eye moved to his right side. Looking towards the figure that was standing beside him. His eye meeting Luna’s as hers did his. While their gazes were locked, a gentle smile started to settle on her face. ‘’You won’t have to worry about being alone like that ever again…’’ She said, while her smile grew a little. In response to her increasing happiness, his eye smiled back. ‘’Tha-‘’ But before he completes the end of what he was about to say, he suddenly felt soft fur around him. His eye watched as Luna slowly wrapped her hooves around him and pulled him into a warm hug. Her eyes closing, and her smile fading slightly, turning into a much smaller one. Though, it was not to say she wasn’t happy, she was just using a much subtler smile to illustrate it. A little taken aback by her sudden – but slow – hug he remained still. Eventually, though, with his own arms, he moved them to her back. Hugging her back the same she was hugging him. ‘’Luna…?’’ ‘’Yeah, Bill?’’ She replied, gently opening her eyes in the processing. ‘’Promise me that you will always be there for me…’’ She chuckled softly, nuzzling her head a little against him. ‘’Don’t worry, tough guy, I will always be there to- ‘’ ‘’No, you’re misunderstanding.’’ He interrupted her before she got the chance to finish. From the confusion of being interrupted when she clearly gave him an answer her head pulled away from him. Staring back with a confused look on it. ‘’What do you mean?’’ She raised a confused brow. ‘’What I mean when I ask if you will be there, is will you always remain in Equestria so I can find you?’’ He replied as he asked the question again. ‘’The thought of losing you would completely destroy me…and I cannot stand to think about what would happen if you were taken out of my life.’’ His eye looked down in a broken sadness. ‘’Oh, Bill…’’ She brought a hoof up to just underneath his eye. His eye saw it, directing his slit pupil back up to her face, which smiled back in a most comforting manner. ‘’You will never have to worry about losing me. I am not going anywhere.’’ She grabbed both of Bill’s hands, gripping them tightly. ‘’Equestria is my home, and I would never abandon the place I grew up in…Least of all hurting the friends that I have made.’’ Her eyes grew comforting while her smile grew a little wider. ‘’Thank you, Luna. I don’t know what I would be doing with myself now if I hadn’t meet you in your sister’s mind.’’ Adjusting her hooves and his hands so that he was holding her hooves. ‘’Well, technically we only saw each other in my sister’s mind. We officially meet in mine.’’ Moving a little closer to her, Bill’s eye changed into looking like he was calm. But his voice indicated that he was trying to sound romantic. ‘’And what a beautiful mind it is.’’ She rolled her eyes at him, smiling as she adapted a cool attitude to her. ‘’Shut up.’’ She said, causing him to chuckle in response. ‘’But seriously, what say you just turn around and stare at the sun for the few that we can see it on this planet?’’ he asked, pointing with his thumb-up hand behind him. She chuckled softly, responding back to him with a ‘’Sure.’’ Earning his eye to smile back. They turned around. Standing beside each other as they watched the sunset. Watching the Sun slowly be swallowed up as it passed further down behind the horizon. After its light was extinguished, a darkness fell over the planet, which was shortly after illuminated by the stars and other wondrous constellations, planets, and Moons in this corner of the universe. With Bill by her side, Luna gently lay her head down against him. His triangular form supporting her as they stood there together. Their eyes watching the newly brought night that had come to the planet they were on. After finishing up their little excursion, Luna and Bill finally decided it was near time to be heading back to the ship so they could return home. Clearing up after themselves, Bill and Luna stood beside each other. Bill snapped his fingers, and with a *POOF* they vanished from the mountaintop. *POOF* Standing once again on the mountain peak where their airship was parked. But immediately when they saw it, something seemed…off about it. It didn’t look like it should usually when they had last laid eyes on it. There was a good reason why. It was damaged…badly. Smoke was rising high into the sky from multiple still burning holes in the side of the ship. The propellers poles had been bent, and there was a great crack down the center of it. Their eyes going wide from the sight of the state it was in…or lack thereof. ‘’What the hell happened here?!’’ Bill suddenly shouted, holding out his arms and legs in sure astonishment at what had been done to his ship. ‘’Something must have attacked the Bill-o-War while we were off on our little trip’’ Luna spoke up, snapping him out of the stupor at the loss of his ship. ‘’That would seem most likely…’’ He drifted upwards, floating up towards one of the nearest and biggest of the scorched holes on the ship’s side facing them. His eye examined it, studying it closely for hint of what might have happened here, what kind of energy based assault the ship had been subjected to. ‘’Regardless, whatever did this, I’m gonna find whoever did this to my precious Bill-o-War.’’ He touched his hand to the side of the ship, gently brushing it across the scorched wooden planks. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’ A creepy laughter suddenly started sounding on the air. Both Luna and Bill were surprised by its appearance, thinking that whoever had destroyed the Bill-o-War would have come back to finish them off now too. Quickly, Bill hurried and descended back down to Luna’s side. Standing close by as his eye looked out at their surroundings. ‘’Who are you? What do you want?’’ He called up in the air. But no response came, just the gentle howling of a growing wind. ‘’Show yourself, coward!’’ He shouted out, holding his arms and legs out as his rage began to mount itself. Getting stronger by the minute the more this annoying voice was going to keep playing hide and seek with them. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’ It laughed again. But this time with a more normal pitch to, instead of sounding like an echo. ’’I have chortles.’’ A voice finally spoke. Two red dots started opening up. Suspended in mid-air, the red orbs began to have spirals in them. Followed thereafter by a smile that could not be described as anything but creepy. Especially with how it was showing off its big teeth. Slowly, a body started to become gradually more and more visible, as a green head appeared. A red robe appeared around what to be its concealed body. Aside from a hood covering what little they could see of the figure’s head they weren’t really allowed to see much of what this newcomer looked anything remotely like as its body was all but hidden. The answer to how this being was suspending itself in mid-air was shortly answered, as it was revealed that it was standing on a small platform that was holding it up. ‘’W-who are you exactly…? And why did you destroy our ship?’’ Luna asked the strange creature. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha…’’ It suddenly laughed once again its child-like glee after she asked it. Spinning around, causing its robe to spin around in the air as it struck a bowing pose. Its creepy teeth still being shown to them. It never shut that disturbing mouth. Unfortunately for Luna and Bill, the newcomer only allowed them a slight moment to see what lay behind the robe. But it was wearing some sort of black clothing, and seeing the actual body was impossible with how fast it had been spinning. ‘’Ah, that is indeed the question that is the lunch to end the hunger of curiosity that you are experiencing…’’ It said. ‘’But instead it is I who shall inquire as to your identities, and your intentions for trespassing on the planet that is mine.’’ Bill and Luna both turned towards each other, exchanging blank looks with each other. Turning back, they faced this strange creature, who was apparently the owner of this planet. ‘’W-well, I am Princess Luna, co-ruler of the Kingdom of Equestria…’’ She turned, pointing her hoof at Bill. ‘’And this is Bill Cipher, Dream Demon, and Master of the Mind.’’ ‘’Hey, kiddo.’’ Bill said, clicking his lips, and pointing a gesturing hand back towards the little green figure. ‘’Hmmm…’’ The figure hummed to itself as its mind thought. ‘’Well then, as a businessman who meets the commoner I shall greet thee…’’ A pair of arms pushed the robe out of the way to the side, revealing the rest of its body underneath. Standing proud on its little hover pad. ‘’I am the being who is called Fawful. I am the master of this planet and all galaxies around it.’’ His words made Luna raise a confused brow at it. ‘’Master of all the surrounding galaxies? How would we know that we have trespassed on one of your planets?’’ She asked. Retreating his arms back into his robe, he just returned to standing normally on the pad. Or as normal as it could with that grotesque grin. ‘’Each of Fawfuls planets have a flagpole on it that shows the glorious face of Fawful. It is the calling card that will forever announce the fame of Fawful to all galaxies.’’ It let out a soft chuckle, looking surprisingly more disturbing by just doing random things with that mouth. ‘’Oh, well…we’ll be more aware of that next time we are moving throughout your galaxy, Lord Fawful…’’ Luna said as she started to back away from the little figure. Nudging with her head towards Bill to signal for him to do the same. Seeing Luna signaling him, he responded by doing the same as she was, and gently floated back away from Fawful. Turning her head, she looked back at him. ‘’Anyway, I think it would be best if we head back home now…So, yeah, bye, Lord Fawful. May we meet again in another corner of- ‘’ ‘’No!’’ He interrupted her. His eyes crossing themselves, and that creepy laughter of his to sound from his mouth. ‘’Allow your sudden departure from the presence of Fawful I will not…Least of all you.’’ Extending a hand out from behind his robe, he pointed back at Bill. Confused, Bill pointed his own hand back at himself. ‘’Me?’’ He asked confused. ‘’But of course.’’ This caused Luna to narrow her eyes a little closer in a sudden, but newfound curiosity for this Fawful creature. Luna raised her brow, giving Fawful a confused look. ‘’What do you need him for?’’ She asked. ‘’A simple favor, but of course.’’ ‘’What favor?’’ Bill asked, crossing his arms as he meet Fawful’s demented spirals, that could easily be mistaken for glasses rather than glasses. Maybe they were, but just looked too…freakily real to actually be real. ‘’This.’’ He held up both his hands to show what to do. ‘’Do this.’’ He instructed, raising his index fingers to point up. Confused more than anything, Bill raised his hands up, holding them up in just like Fawful had illustrated. Raising his eye up as well to see if he was pointing at anything specific. ‘’What, this?’’ He asked, confused by what he was even doing this. ‘’Your willing to assist is excellent.’’ Fawful replied, chuckling a little as he returned his own hands back down inside his robe. ‘’Now…’’ Suddenly, pushing the robe open to the side, he is now pointing his right arm directly at Bill. But unlike before he was now holding something in his hand. ‘’Freeze!’’ *ZAP* *BOOM* From his handgun he had fired off a beam of blue energy. When hitting Bill, it had caused a lot of smoke to suddenly appear out of nowhere. Shrouding the entire mountain top in icy cold smoke. Coughing when the smoke started to fade into a much more seeable clearing, Luna could only see Fawful still standing on his hover pad. Bringing a hoof up to her head to scratch the side of her temples, she watched as his grin grew even more. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’ He giggled again, attracting her attention now more than ever. ‘’Well, it seems the time of Fawful’s leaving has arrived sooner than I would have liked. Shame, Fawful would have enjoyed humiliating one such as you.’’ He said, now longer seeming to be focusing his attention on her. But instead onto her left. ‘’Headgear!’’ He called out, snapping his finger. Down from the sky a strange shape started floating down towards the location they were at. From Luna’s perspective it looked like a shape of glass with two sticks poking out on either side with strange dome things attacked to the end of them, and an even more confusing hose that reached out, the end of which was attached to a strange jaw. A golden band aligning the side of the underside of the glass shape. Letting out another one of his little giggles, the headgear started created suction. The suction lifted Fawful up off the hover pad, and fitted itself to his head. Wow! Now he just looks like he’s wearing a really stupid hat, she thought to herself as her former look of horror started to change into a deadpanned look. The hover pad suddenly disappeared out of existence, leaving him suspended in mid-air as flames had come out the bottom of the two domes attached to his headgear’s sides. ‘’Now onto the takings of Fawful’s prize.’’ The strange hose at the top of the headgear started to extend itself forward. Moving once again to the left of Luna’s beckoning her to finally turn her head and see what all of the commotion was about her left side. Also, why didn’t Fawful even act like she was there? With wide-growing eyes, her jaw dropped at the sight that she saw. Her body turned around to be better aligned. ‘’No…No…!’’ She was backing away from the sight that greeted her. The desperation in her voice penetrating through the icy cold silence that was returned to her from where Bill had been moving only seconds ago. ‘’No…Bill!’’ Her voice started to break as she shook her head. Trying even harder to protest against the sight that was left Bill Cipher. ‘’Yes, you are correct…’’ Fawful’s chipper voice interjected amidst the whole moment Luna was having. ‘’Your precious Bill Cipher has been frozen as stiff as the coldest refrigerator.’’ What Fawful said was true. Bill Cipher had been frozen solid, now encased in a massive block of transparent ice. With a sharp turn, Luna glared back at Fawful with gritted teeth. ‘’Change him back, at once!’’ She shouted at the small figure. But instead of receiving any sorts of words she was meet with another giggle from Fawful’s creepy teeth. ‘’You are irrelevant. Waste too much time on the likes of you Fawful shall not.’’ The extended stalk stood up, displaying the teeth on the end. ‘’Fawful senses hostility coming from your pointless corpse which I spit on.’’ ‘’Your damn right I’m hostile.’’ Luna retorted, putting her hooves out, and getting into an offensive stance. ‘’While Fawful would enjoy just leave you here, as clearly you are alone, Fawful must admit that the heat of battle is…invigorating.’’ Said Fawful. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’ He laughed shortly after. Gross, she instantly thought after hearing him say that. ‘’Well then, why not show me what you are made of?’’ Fawful’s gleeful expression suddenly deflated into an angered frown, and a sound of anger sounded from him. ‘’Fawful grows tired of your pointless existence…’’ The stalk atop his headgear opened its teeth, as if ready to launch something from it. Fawful’s creepy smile followed shortly after. ‘’Feast on this, Fink-rat!’’ The headgear suddenly fired a good multitude of green spheres from its teeth down towards her. Luna’s eyes widened from the sight of such a quick and sudden attack being unleashed against her. But instead of simply standing still while she was hit, she jumped up into the air. The blasts hitting the ground where she had once been, exploding as they impacted the ground. She extended her wings out, and with bats of them started to suspend her body in the air. Fawful shooting her an annoyed glare. ‘’You can fly?’’ He questioned her. A cool smile forming on her mussel, and a stare which told him that she was overconfident. ‘’Surprised? What did you think they were?’’ She asked, a little confused, herself, about how someone could mistake her wings for anything else the second one would have seen them. ‘’The hairiest of extra arms.’’ Fawful giggled, smiling back at her mockingly. Giggling as she got angry at him. ‘’You are going to regret that you little- ‘’ ‘’Fawful thinks not…’’ Fawful interrupted her. ‘’Fawful think it is time he disposed of thee. You are the very weed in my garden of evil that I am unable of removing.’’ ‘’Hah. Just face it, Fawful. I am stronger than you.’’ ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’ He suddenly laughed. ‘’While your words are true, you are forgetting of something of the utmost importance.’’ With an angry glare upon her face, she raised a confused brow at him. ‘’How so?’’ ‘’I was not aware of your wings.’’ He reached inside his robe, rummaging through it. ‘’But that sickness is easily remedied…’’ He said as he pulled out a remote and pressed a giant red button. Suddenly the ground started to shake. Two giant beams of light being projected up into the sky. With great tremors that shook the entire mountain, something sounded to be stomping towards them. But exactly from which direction she could not be sure. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’ Fawful just chuckled. Turning her head around. Looking from side to side with worried eyes, she could see not seem to get any better of a fix on where the sound was coming from. Or from what direction Fawful’s summoned attack was going to come from. Up from the sides of the mountain, giant metal legs started to grab hold of the mountainside. Surprising her by how durable it was to resist such powerful weights being lowered down onto what would have been a very fragile mountain back in Equestria. ‘’Rise, Megaleg. Autonomous creation of mine!’’ Fawful shouted, raising his arms up into the air. Up behind Fawful, a giant shape emerged. Revealing itself to the very point of origin for each of the three legs that it was using to stand up. Towering high over Luna, at the front where two emotionless eyes projected out large beams, and a large cannon-like protrusion on the front serving as its snout. Underneath it, was a protrusion that could not be mistaken for anything other than a cannon. It was likely this was one of the means it was going to use to attack her. Aside from potentially just slamming its massive body down on top of her. Possibly trying to squash her underneath its large size. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’ Fawful’s annoying laugher could be heard, which drew Luna attention away from the giant metal creature, and instead onto himself. ‘’Fawful does regret to be leave you now at this glorious moment in the spotlight of your moment of destruction.’’ He floated on over towards Bill. Hovering above his frozen form. ‘’But Fawful will remember to inform the Great Bill of your defeat.’’ The teeth-appendage reached down, grabbing its teeth down hard on the block of ice holding the Dream Demon. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha.’’ Flying up into the sky, he brought the ice cube with him as he flew away from the mountain top. Luna, with her wings at her disposal, tried flying up after him. But Megaleg suddenly shifted his stance. Looking his eyes giant eyes down, the light projected from them fell directly upon her. The blinding light stopping her in her tracks, and unable to move. ‘’Eeeyah hahahaha...’’ She heard echoing, as the voice that the laughter belonged to vanished further away into the horizon. Vanishing shortly from her sight, as all she was left with now was Megaleg. Hearing the clanking of engines and wheels of its machine body, she watched as it started to move one of its many legs as it adjusted its positioning on the mountaintop. A shadow moved up over her, indicating that it was going to slam it down there onto her. Hah ‘’Too easy.’’ She said with a confident smirk on her face. Building up a little of strength, she leaped out to the way to the side. However, as she extended her wings out, using them to brace her movement through the air. Her ears suddenly heard a loud boom from above. Followed thereafter by something apparently picking up speed as it moved through the air. Arching her head up, her eyes instantly grew at the sight of a black tip shooting down towards her. For the split second that she had time to take in its additional details. Her mind was baffled as to why the sharp tipped object speeding down at her had a pair of eyes, arms, and a crazed smile similar to Fawful. Even the glasses that she had originally mistaken for eyes were in the same spiral pattern as Fawful’s. With a mighty flap of her wings she just narrowly avoided. Passing to the side while it grazed her crown. It continued to shoot downwards till it crashed against the ground. The exact same spot where Megaleg’s leg slammed down into the mountainside. The entire mountain shook violently from the impact. Several cracks tearing through the skin of the mountain. In result of the mountain being that badly damaged the cracked parts of it started to fall down. The pieces rolling down the mountain and colliding with whatever lay beyond the foggy mist. Adjusting its leg to better grab onto the mountainside, Megaleg lowered itself down a little so now it wasn’t directly above her. Which meant that now it was vulnerable, and with Luna being airborne now she could get a chance to fight back properly against it. Wearing a stern expression, she held her hooves out in front of her as she flew back up towards it. Her eyes narrowing themselves towards Megaleg’s eyes as that seemed to be its weakest spot. Her horn started to glow with her magic building itself up to be fired down on the eye. Turning its head around, it was now looking for her. Smirking to herself, she made certain to try her best to stay out of its lights. This battle would be over without them anyway. But raising its head a little, Megaleg’s lights finally spotted her. As was to be expected from such bright lights falling upon the unsuspecting eyes of a pony, it blinded her. She accidentally discharged the beam from her horn prematurely. Her ball of concentrated magic shot down towards the right eye, it was not strong enough to do sufficient damage to its eye. Adjusting its stance, and raising one of its giant legs up into the air. It swung it down hard against her. Hitting her body, and bringing on quite a lot of pain from the impact alone. Her body was sent flying downwards from the violent impact of Megaleg’s leg against her. She was sent crashing down against one of the mountains. Hitting the side of one, and creating a small crater in its side. Reaching both hooves out and grabbing the sides of the crater she had unwittingly created, she pulled herself out of the crater. Coughing slightly as her head peeks out of it. Raises it up to stare back at Megaleg as it is re-positioning itself on the collapsing hilltop. Studying it with her eyes, her face twists itself into a confident smirk. She now knows a great way that she might possibly distract Megaleg enough to land a strong enough blow to it. With a turn of its head, Megaleg looks in her direction. Its lights falling upon her once again. Watching her as she crawls out of the crater. Brushing herself off. Raising her head back up. Staring her stern eyes back up at it, her stern expression growing only bitterer and bitterer the more she is forced to look upon this dreadful thing. Her horn starts back up her magic aura, as she extends her wings at the time. Pressing her hooves down against the ground. Preparing to suddenly fly up towards the giant monstrosity of metal and wheels. *KA-BOOM* With a great explosion erupting from the crater as she took off she now flew back up towards Megaleg’s face once more. Her eyes narrowing themselves onto the eyes specifically. But this time she made certain to cast a spell that would shield her eyes from the bright light. She had greatly underestimated the intensity of the projections from its eyes. This time she would not make that same mistake again. Charging her horn up, she smirked back at the giant beam of light that she was being surrounded by. All too easy However, it seemed Megaleg heard that, as on the sides of its head protrusions started to emerge. They looked like thin black tubes, but she failed to see their significance right away… That was until the cannons, just like the ones underneath it, suddenly fired several sharp tops. But this time it was much worse than she had originally assumed, as instead of seeing only two tops shot down at her – once again wearing those creepy Fawful faces – it turned out to be that there were far more than she had originally assumed, because there were now five or six of those things. The rest of them appearing as they flew up from behind its head. Joining with the group of others that were now forming a circle formation in the air. The look of worry that had formed from seeing so many at once was pushed aside, and she tried concentrating on simply defeating them. Not being afraid of them. Her charged spell, which had almost been shut down from seeing all of the tops speeding in her direction, fired from her horn. Shooting up at the air towards the bullet-fast things. *WHOOSH* *BOOM* Her spell managed to get two or three of those bullets. But the rest were still coming towards her. Three of them started to increase their speed. Flying down much faster than the rest from the group. Thinking fast, she simply fired off one quick burst energy up towards the one closest to her. It exploded upon being hit by her spell. But the second closest one was now too close for her comfort. Once again she started activating her magic up again. *POOF* Surprising, and confusing it, she teleported herself out of the way. Quickly resuming her flight when she could. However, she had forgotten something. The third one…Lifting her head up, she saw the bullet approaching her. Being far closer to her than the other one originally was. In a moment of panic, she just discharged a random burst from her horn. It engulfed both her and the bullet. An explosion erupting, and surrounding both in black smoke and small flames that shot out and started raining down towards the surface below. The other bullets altered their course. Flying away, and avoiding the explosion. Gathering themselves back into a group in front of it. Their spiraling glasses/eyes watching as the explosion died down… Even Megaleg’s eyes was looking to see what had become of her. But when the dark smoke calmed, there was nothing left to be seen. The only hint of anything having been there was the faint fire that was falling through the air. There was no sign left of Princess Luna or the bullet with Fawful’s face on it. Thinking that they had done a job well done, they chuckled in the same manner as Fawful, and about to begin flying back towards Megaleg to be stored away for later use…When a sound suddenly reached them… *BA-ZAAP!* A beam suddenly shot out of a nearby bush up towards Megaleg’s left eye… *KA-BOOOM* Suddenly, Megaleg’s left eye exploded. A beam of highly concentrated energy having been strong enough to penetrate the sturdy steel used to construct it. Caught off-guard by the blast, and the sudden loss of sight on its left side. Megaleg flinched! Its giant mechanical limbs moving erratically. Slamming them back down against the mountainside, Megaleg finally managed to regain control, and lifted itself back up. Standing once again tall. Towering over the mountain it was using to support itself on. Lowering its head, it directed its still functioning projection of light down towards the ground. Moving it around the surface like a searchlight in search of whoever or whatever had attacked it. Their eyes looked down towards the mountainside. Spotting several bushes where something could have launched a successful strike against Megaleg without being noticed while they were occupied with their defeat of Princess Luna. Flying around in the air the bullets with Fawful’s face, started to fly around in the air. Looking around for any sign of the attacker that had greatly crippled Megaleg. Down in the nearest bushes, a blackened Luna was peeking out at the surveying bullets as they flew high across the sky. Turning her head, she focused her attention on Megaleg. Great! He seems to be distracted..., she thought to herself with a smirk forming. He’ll be easy…pick-…ings… Her thoughts seemed to trail onwards as something seemed to have taken notice of something, all of a sudden. She narrowed her eyes, trying to get a better look of it. What is that? She mentally asked herself as she seemed to have spotted something at the very top of Megaleg’s head. Atop the automaton’s head was a steel cage in the form of a dome. A light was spinning around from inside it. Narrowing her eyes, a little, she tried a good look of some sort of ethereal field at the center of the dome. Ignore the other eye, this was of much greater interest. Hmmm…, she said within her head in thought. It is another possibility…and it is less defended on top of things. I just might have a better chance of taking Megaleg down if I can shut disable its hold over whatever is at the core of that field. The best I can hope for in any case that it will cause an overload. She looked up, seeing that the bullets were now circling above her and Megaleg, though, occasionally a few would fly down to patrol around the virtually unprotected machine. I’ll do it! Putting all of her hooves down against the ground, she started pressing down, building up energy, holding her wings up into the air. Then… *BOOM* With great intensity in her speed, she shot up into the air with just a single flap of her wings A giant crater being left in her wake in the side of the mountain. The explosion happened behind Megaleg, who immediately started reacting to it. Slowly turning himself around to face the source of the loud and sudden racket that had occurred on behind him. Behind her, as she soared up high into the sky, she was leaving a streak as she flew through the air. Fortunately for her Megaleg was not quick to see it before it dissipated. Above her, she saw that she was quickly coming up on the circling bullets. She was worried at first, but then got an even better idea instead of the one she had planned for dealing for them. Smirking, she started outputting magic into her horn… Then firing it from her horn in a violent blast up the circling group. Her solution being to merely blast them to smithereens, since they did not seem to have caught wind of her taking off from the ground in such an extreme way. Two or three bullets were claimed by the beam as it shot up from underneath, one in the middle being destroyed completely, and the two being almost grazed by it, but being close enough to get caught in it. From the sheer touch of her powerful attack, they exploded. Caught off-guard by the blast the bullets all stopped circling around, and all started looking back and forth between each other. All of a sudden, she suddenly flew up from underneath them, surprising them even more, once again. However, unlike the first time, their eyes became crossed and completely red, and smiles turning into angry ones. Uttering the same laughter like Fawful steam started to emerge, before all at once they started shooting up. Speeding after her. Looking down behind her she could see the remaining bullets having finally taken up the chase after her. She smiled once seeing this. Perfect. I seem to have gotten them interested. Folding her wings back down against her body, she stopped in the air for a second…before starting the eventual fall downwards. Energy being outputted into her horn, which she used to instinctively teleport away from the bullets. Re-appearing with another *POP* down behind where they had just gone. They were left confused for a few seconds as they all stopped in the air and turned around. Their confusion was cut short, as one of them spotted her plummeting down towards the cage atop Megaleg’s head. Realizing what she was doing they immediately started taking up pursuit again. Extending her wings back out, she instead of flying began speeding down towards him extended wings. Gravity would do the job of picking up speed for her well enough on its own. Taking a few short and rapid breaths she began concentrating. Fired from her horn a few seconds afterwards is a blast of equal strength to the one she had used to damage one of Megaég’s eyes. Being too far away the bullets can do nothing to stop the blast from hitting the cage. The cage shatters, causing quite a substantial hole to be left in its wake, a hole big enough for one remaining task. The final blast. Luna smiles as she sees that she has a free shot directly down at it. Thinking that she has another free shot, she forgets that she is quickly coming up on Megaleg, having ignored all this time that she was getting closer and closer to him. Seeing this, her expression changes into one of first shock and then frustration. Think quickly, she adjusts herself in mid-air, allowing the air to catch her by the wings. Blowing her away, up, away from Megaleg, just barely missing him. The bullets are unable to pull up in time, but instead of it being a good thing, they instead adjust themselves so that instead of hitting Megaleg’s uttermost greatest weakness, they instead simply shoot down into the side of its head. Exploding upon impact. Finally flapping her wings again, she keeps herself suspended in mid-air. Her eyes looking down at Megaleg with victory in her eyes. Scoffing at the sight of it trying to adjust itself on its gradually crumbling mountain. An alarm has gone off, and several gritted fences have come up, forming a protective wall around the innermost ethereal dome. Inside of which Luna can faintly make out a star shape, its colors which are greatly faded. This, more than anything, confirms that this battle will be over with a simple blast to that ethereal shield pinning it in place. ‘’All right, let us get this over with.’’ Flapping her wings, she started quickly gaining speed as she flew down towards Megaleg. However, before she got too far, Megaleg suddenly having protrusions pop out around his head. However, unlike the first time, though, there were plenty more canon-like protrusions emerging. When they launched the bullets this second, there were a whole lot more of them. Nearly twenty in total. The appearance of them swarmed together forced her to stop in mid-air. Soundlessly watching as all of them flew towards her. Her eyes looked up at each of them. Analyzing what possible strategy she could utilize against all of them. She couldn’t possibly fight every single one of them, she would tire herself very quickly if she had to use too much time recharging her blasts. She would hardly get a chance to attack the core thing. ‘’Hmm.’’ She grumbled. Touching a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. Raising her eyes back up, staring them out at that giant wave of bullets. ‘’Maybe…it’s my only shot. They should do the rest of the work for me.’’ Dropping out of her thinking, she suddenly stopped flapping her wings. Her body dropping downwards. The approaching wave of bullets following after her as she did. Adjusting herself in mid-air, again, she held her hooves out in front of her. Her body picking up more and more speed. When she had got enough speed, she extended her wings out again, flapping alongside her plummeting down towards the surface. Right before hitting it, though, she vanished with a *POP* Re-appearing up in the skies above Megaleg and the wave of bullets. But unlike the first wave, these ones were smarter. Turning around and looking more thoroughly until they spotted descending down towards the top of Megaleg’s head. Acting fast, they gave a sudden boost of their speed. Flying up fast to intercept her. Seeing them finally following her again caused a smirk to appear on her face. Good. Luna thought. She only needed to focus on flying correctly. Her whole plan depended on her maneuverability. A black form shoots up at her. But some of the bullets started to break away. Instead approaching from directly beneath her. This was indeed a problem. But their numbers were a little more reduced than the main wave. From the tip of her horn she fired several well-energized bolts down at them. Most of them exploding upon impact with her attacks. But some managed to narrowly dodge them, but even these ones were caught, and exploded. Some managed to completely dodge her attacks. But once getting too close to her, she was given better aim, and destroyed them before they could do any sufficient damage, aside from causing black soot to stain her coat. Folding her wings back onto her body, she gently makes small adjustments of her body as she is beset upon by all of the bullets. All of them swarming to hit her, but because she has reduced her size a little, she had therefore made it a lot harder for them to hit her like this. Almost because there are so many of them are trying to be careful not to hit each other, thus increasing their hardship even more since their size is a little bigger than hers. Without her wings out, she is not as big a target for them, putting them at a greater disadvantage because of their larger numbers. Aside from some soot from the already destroyed bullets, she has escaped virtually unscathed…And now with free range to the exposed core. Making a sharp turn up in the sky, the bullets prepare themselves for another attempt to get her. This time they split up, spreading themselves out a little more. Creating a first and secondary wall of defense that, should she try and make another run for it, the second line would be ready for her. In order to maximize their chances of success, they form a round wall, getting as close to the other as they possibly can. Putting a large deposit of magic into her horn, Luna grins to herself, as she readies herself for the final part of her plan. This will take a lot out of her, virtually everything she has, but it is truly her last chance of destroying Megaleg once and for all. She has had to increase the amount of magic used in her spells, but it is something that has to be done. Extending her wings out, they catch the upcoming drift of air, slowing her descent down. Getting to a point where she can gently plant her hooves against the steel surface of Megaleg’s head. The metal clanged underneath her hoof as she walked around the core cage. Arching her head up she watched as all the bullets continued to come speeding towards her. She inhaled deeply, releasing a soft breath. Magic started flowing into her horn, gathering magic far faster than she was used to. Up above, once the bullets saw this, started to fly down even faster. Increasing their speed. Time really was of the essence now…for both sides. ‘’Almost…come on.’’ She remarked, as she watched the bullets get closer. Almost being where she wanted them. ‘10…9…8…7…6…5’ she began counting down, watching as they closer and closer with every number. ‘...5…4…3…2…1…NOW!’ *POP* Suddenly, she vanished once again. Having teleported away. The bullets stopping in mid-air. Once again confused by her sudden disappearance and then re-emergence. It was getting to be quite obnoxious to say the least. Coming together, they gathered around Megaleg, and closely to him to ensure that she did not try any funny business again. What either Megaleg or the bullets failed to be take into account was that Luna was already where she wanted to be. POOFing back into existence high above them. And with an already charged horn, all she had to do was point it. ‘’NOW!’’ She screamed with all of her might, as from the tip of her horn, she fired an immense beam of devastating energy down at them from the heavens above. The beam still had some ways to travel. But with the intensity she was outputting, it would only prove to be beneficial, as every second spent travelling towards Megaleg would only make it all the more devastating when it finally hit. Sensing the energy hurtling towards them, and also by simply just looking up above them, the bullets watched in shock at the beam that was approaching them at a rapidly growing speed. In desperation, half of them tried to intercept it. Hopefully they could cause it to go off in mid-air, far from Megaleg’s core. But their attempt was meet with an unexpected result. The bullets did indeed cause an explosion to occur in mid-air, but instead of their explosions being enough to stop it, the beam only continued to shoot down. Its speed, as Luna had predicted, growing fiercer as it approached him by the second…Until finally, it hit! Shattering the field surrounding the star held captive inside it, allowing it to escape, Megaleg was not only forced to content with no longer have any source of power to draw from. Its legs shook and quaked. Gears broke free from their positons, and fell to the surface, explosions erupted form the side of its head, and the pieces connecting its legs came loose. But to add insult to injury, the mere contact of captured star and the energy beam, was rapidly causing a violent reaction. And while Megaleg’s crumbling and dismembered head collapsed down towards the surface underneath it, a violent explosion occurred, stretching out far. Engulfing up both Megaleg’s remains, the other bullets that had momentarily survived, and the surrounding mountains in a violent and intense explosion of light and energy. Back up high in the sky, Luna was having trouble keeping her eyes open. She tried fighting it for as long as she could, but finally could not contend with the undisputable fact that she was exhausted. Having spent every single last part of her power in that one last teleport, and that one last attack. Her body became motionless, unable to keep herself in the air anymore she just fell. Plummeting down towards the explosion that was taking place on the surface. Soon she would be engulfed by it, and she would cease to be in this dream. Losing the last chance of being reunited with Bill again…However, as her body fell down towards the surface, it was unexpectedly caught by the star that she had freed by destroying its prison. With its rapidly becoming unconscious savior, Luna did not observe as the star flew up into space. It bringing her along, as it flew out into the unknown.