• Member Since 29th Jul, 2017
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Just a gal with a mixture of motivation and procrastination.

More Blog Posts2

  • 45 weeks
    That Moment When...

    ...you have so many story ideas, but have a lot of WIPs due to a mixture of motivation and procrastination.

    2 comments · 69 views
  • 165 weeks
    Random Thought Here

    I was thinking about Odyssey and a question came to my mind.....

    What if the Peach Bowser kidnapped and forced to marry him was actually a changeling who took her place?

    0 comments · 123 views

Random Thought Here · 12:33pm Apr 4th, 2021

I was thinking about Odyssey and a question came to my mind.....

What if the Peach Bowser kidnapped and forced to marry him was actually a changeling who took her place?

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