• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤

More Blog Posts445

  • Wednesday
    An Issue of Classification

    Hi, everyone. I stumbled into a bit of an issue regarding how I'm sorting a particular story of mine, and I wanted to extend my feedback to y'all, the readers. The story in question is Cryptic Coda & Obscure Odysseys, which is tagged for relevance. Here is the issue that I'm having: I envisioned this story to be an anthology of pre-history [1] stories that were otherwise complete,

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  • 2 weeks
    Muggonny needs help

    My good friend Muggonny has been in dire financial straits before, and I know that most of y'all will remember my blog about that. Well, now he needs help again. Except, it's not necessarily for him, it's for his sister and her extremely young child. I admittedly don't have the funds to spare myself at the moment (I'm on a brief

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  • 3 weeks
    Hey, remember that thing I wrote?

    The rough, experimental little piece about the pegasus tribe? Well, it's now a polished little piece in its own right. If you liked the early version, give this one a read, upvote, and comment. More words to follow, soon.

    [Adult story embed hidden]

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  • 4 weeks
    Hello gamers

    I have been so quiet lately because I have been hard at work (also, I have some important happenings irrelevant to this blog) on some updates. One of those is a brand spankin' new story for Mother's Day. It has been in the works for a few years now. That's right, ya boi wrote a normal Mother's Day story. Probably.

    Catch the SFW flavor here:

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  • 9 weeks
    Reader interaction poll!

    Please check it out here.

    Since comments are a little scarce and I’m new to long-form mature fiction, I wanted to do a quick survey. It’s all anonymous but it’s going to be very helpful because of the content slated to appear in the next few chapters. Your votes will help me gauge reader feelings and the intensity of how graphic things will be.

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How Not to Handle Being Blocked: An Journey in Alt Accounts · 4:16am May 5th, 2020

(I consulted a staff member about making this blog and the tone I would take. It was permitted.)

In one of my more recent blogs, I described in the comments how I had experienced some nasty conduct with a user in PMs and their alternate accounts being used to harass me. I've finally collected all the screenshots to put together this blog. I've made this in order to show that while mods handled things very well, this person is worth blocking. Seriously, the site has a block button for a reason. However, this person still engaged in some nasty block evasion and alt abuse with at least three alts. If anyone else is aware of the pattern of behavior they have, or sees an alt they suspect is this person, it should be reported. They change their name a lot and the way this person behaves is distinct enough that some screenshots are warranted. I refuse to show any off-site communication screencaps because they're not authorized within what I can consider good conduct on my part to show. If you think you see them off-site (they have a discord) please just don't associate.

(They're blocked on discord too.)

The full story is below the break. Because it doesn't pertain to story updates or more regular commentary, please skip this blog if that suits you. All screenshots are from myself, banned alternate accounts, public blogs, and nothing that I would consider a violation of staff or unrelated persons privacy to show.

March 6th:

I post a quick blog linking a group I had made regarding gay horse parents. The group is SFW and non-objectionable stuff, for family fluff and romance stories. There are dumb puns. One of the rules you can find by clicking the group link is that no homophobia is tolerated. Simple stuff, right? Join a group about gay horses having a gay old time, have lighthearted forum posts, and don't be a jackass.

Here is the blog.

Here are the comments I got:

Maybe their first language wasn't English. Perhaps they're just some homeschooler who doesn't know what 'homophobe' means and has never seen another person's ankles because they're Amish.

The fact that they have the internet and my downvote should tell you otherwise.

This is the main account. It is currently unbanned. I will refer to it as the prime account as well. If you see this account, please just block them. While I won't show messages off-site, I did find their discord because we ended up in a mutual serve by accident. While they do lie and everything they say should not be taken at face value, they said they were a minor. They are also not particularly mature, so I'm still going to lean towards them being a minor and not lying about that. I know that quite a few of my followers are minors, and that I do have some others who at least give the impression of being minors too. Yes, this person is a little snot who has abused site rules, but harassing other users (which they got banned for) is also against the rules.

Also, please don't bully children. Just block them if you don't want messages from them or report them if you think another account is them; I can't stress that enough.

Just the replies; posted in case this person does delete their comments.

I don't police my followers. I also don't delete comments unless they break site rules. I've only ever had to delete comments that are NSFW on SFW stories. However, if you act like a git in my comment sections and towards my other followers (this in particular) you will be blocked. Send me some mean messages in PMs all you want about what a bully I am and how much you hate my content, but don't fuck around with people who just wanted to read my content unbothered, especially if you're attacking them with topics like homophobia.

...Of all the people to preach internet comment etiquette 101, it should not have been me.

March 9th:

I gave my final, brief replies to this person after not engaging with them. Then I blocked them because I felt they were bad news. There was no point in dealing with them if they were gonna act like this.

Days later, another account that followed me responded. The prime account was already blocked.

I'm familiar with this other account. They posted positive comments on my stories and sent messages about groups, stories, and typical talk about pony content.

March 18th:

Nothing has happened for a while. This is understandable. I didn't expect anything to. Then, I see a strange message in my inbox from this user. Their account was made the same day the message was sent. I have zero ideas as to who they are. They don't have anything familiar about them other than that I know the artist who drew their avatar, because I like the artist's content. This account has no stories and blogs. Nothing to give me an idea about why I got a weird message.

When I go to respond and ask who they are and what they mean, I discover I'm already blocked.

I report the message to the staff. I DM a staff member on discord. This is where I get the above screenshot, the only off-site thing I will share. They asked why I sent this, and I can't immediately think of a way to prove I haven't. How could this message have my name, avatar, etc? But not the syntax I would use? Or literally anything? How did anyone even get this?

I'm pretty worried I could be banned, even by accident, or that at least the option is present. I provide screenshots of my message history for the past day and a little beyond that. Nothing is shown. This user isn't shown.

That's when this alt comes into play.

This is an alt that is discovered. It was used to send the message. It was registered the same day as the one that has already blocked me.

The question is who is the main account?

I try to think of who would do this, thinking it's very far-fetched that some silly homophobe in my comments who was blocked would suddenly go to this level.

But staff confirm that the accounts are all connected.

They are given a ban. Their alts are permanently banned. As you can see by the initial screenshots, at some point their name has changed. At the time they were BreezyShade1306. I don't know if they use that alias elsewhere. Just block it if you see it, I suppose.

I was (hopefully, understandably) rather unsettled that someone was able to produce something I hadn't said and made a false report on me to get me banned. It's an incredibly shitty thing to do, and apparently all because I just thought it would be better to block someone for being a dick. I've never really got mean PMs that I wasn't able to just brush off in the past or block people for. I just want to write pony stories and shitpost in peace.

I didn't exactly look forward to hearing from this person again. I didn't think they would even be able to contact me again, not when their prime account was blocked still.

But this blog would be a lot shorter if that were true.

March 29th:

I go to my page of followers and notice an unusually odd amount of my newer followers are banned. Recognizing one member as being part of a group I was in (and even promoted because I thought it was a cool idea) I decided to go to the group page. Hopefully, there's another admin. There is!

...And for some reason, it's me. I was made admin without knowing. I'd PM the user about why, and I'd like to, but they're banned.

I go to discord and send a staff member a message, linking a couple of other accounts from the page of those who follow me, since it seems like such a bummer that new folks get banned without it being known why... right?

The staff tells me that they're banned for being abusive alts of BreezyShade1306. The specific reason I was given was "voting abuse" without the way the votes were being made (upvotes or downvotes) being specified. This was over discord, and since staff is allowed to disclose why users have been banned from the site, I'm not going to screenshot off-site DMs with staff. Especially when staff have pretty distinct typing syntax and even blurring names and avatars doesn't quite hide their privacy. If you really want the news straight from the mouth of the mods, please just ask them politely.

Since I'm extremely confused, this has to be restated. Multiple times.

All I wanted was to be given ownership of a group when I realized it was probably going to be inactive.

Which now meant that this account...

...was an alt...

...and that this account that I also linked that had been PMing me after the block and ban of the prime account was also an alt being used to keep creepy tabs on me. This whole experience has been a massively uncomfortable one, especially with how this person really liked keeping tabs on me, playing victim, and talking about themselves as if they were all different people.

Like so:

Here is the link to the blog.

This was after I blocked their prime account, formerly known as BreezyShade1306. It was also before I realized I'd been made an admin of the group by the other alt, DeathRay78.

This is the first comment on the blog about 'awesome people' and it's the prime account scolding the alternate account.

They also think I'm female for some reason. They're still talking about themselves. To themselves. While still playing salty because they're blocked from commenting and messaging me but still following me as of me typing this.

Here's a snippet of after the prime account was banned. I didn't know these were the same person at the time, so I gave them an honest recap of what happened. They talked about what a kind and thoughtful 'friend' their own account was, and so on.

This is some creepy shit. Please just block this person. (I've tagged all their abusive alts' aliases in the hashtags.)

  • Don't be a dick.
  • Don't obsess over people who block you.
  • Seriously, this was fucking creepy.
  • Pissing off homophobic brats makes them do this, apparently.
Comments ( 39 )

*visible concern* O.o that's fucked up man.
"Being a homophobe doesn't mean I'm bad."
Me: *laughs in pansexual* SURE...

I hate homophobes and homophones. Dealing with them both can be quite a nightmare.

Like, can they not go chill and eat some cookie dough? Seriously ppl. Let people fuck who they want. (Or not, if fucking ain't ya thing.)

Creepy. Just... creepy.

Considering the fact that they're likely underage, it's not like they can crack open a cold anything that isn't cookie dough.

I have a boyfriend and I feel homophobic sometimes. I haven't a clue why. Three years in a happy relationship but I still cringe whenever I see certain things on tv. I wonder why that is.

But more relating to your thing, although arguably not as morally just considering the content but I got someone who harassed me with several alt-accounts for some of my clop works. Not because of their content but merely for the fact it was clop. They spoke in the same 'I'm gonna type normally then GO ALL CAPS LOCK FOR NO REASON' whenever they spoke to me. I'd ask confirming if they were who I thought they were then they'd be like 'yes. I won't stop until you stop writing clop'. I'd block one, another would pop up with the exact same mannerisms, saying the same thing. The thing with these people and others like them is that they don't perceive what they're doing as wrong, ya know? I don't mind the fact you're angry at me for what I do or disagree with my life choices, just don't get all up in my face about it. Be quietly angry, preferably far away from me. Have your opinion, just don't fling spittle in my face as you have a conniption fit and start shoving and pushing me. It's basic politeness. If I did what you were doing, an excuse is warranted but I'm not. Leave me alone.
You did the right thing without a doubt. What they were doing was crazy.


Sorry that you got caught up in a bad wrap here. I was there to see the comment they made when you made the group, and it's pretty unfortunate how this spiralled downhill and out of control from there.

Idk man cookie dough works way better than vodka. Tho. If you pour vodka in the cookie dough, it makes it REALLY delicious and smooth.

Yikes. Glad nothing bad happened to you and the mods stayed on top of this person. Hopefully this is the end of this messed up saga.

This 'Lost_Souls4' guy literally follows me!
I really hate people who discriminate others for their likes and interests, because I know first hand what that feels like. I really never knew that was such a asshole.:facehoof:

that's wild omg

People are out of their minds with how far they're willing to express prejudice on the site.
Yeah, and the fact that they still follow me is icky. After all this, why are they doing that?

I have a boyfriend and I feel homophobic sometimes. I haven't a clue why. Three years in a happy relationship but I still cringe whenever I see certain things on tv. I wonder why that is.

Congrats! Though, I'm not sure how you can be homophobic when you're a dude who likes dudes.

But more relating to your thing, although arguably not as morally just considering the content but I got someone who harassed me with several alt-accounts for some of my clop works. Not because of their content but merely for the fact it was clop. They spoke in the same 'I'm gonna type normally then GO ALL CAPS LOCK FOR NO REASON' whenever they spoke to me. I'd ask confirming if they were who I thought they were then they'd be like 'yes. I won't stop until you stop writing clop'. I'd block one, another would pop up with the exact same mannerisms, saying the same thing. The thing with these people and others like them is that they don't perceive what they're doing as wrong, ya know? I don't mind the fact you're angry at me for what I do or disagree with my life choices, just don't get all up in my face about it. Be quietly angry, preferably far away from me. Have your opinion, just don't fling spittle in my face as you have a conniption fit and start shoving and pushing me. It's basic politeness. If I did what you were doing, an excuse is warranted but I'm not. Leave me alone.

These people are more obnoxious than downvote and move on or critical comment types. Critical comments explaining why downvotes happen are honestly pretty alright and bearable.

You did the right thing without a doubt. What they were doing was crazy.

Apparently, this is the first time someone has ever created fake evidence.
None of this ever happened until I started writing LGBT+ horses more openly and just being like 'yeah I have the not cis 'n' shit' around the site. I don't think it's unreasonable to think it has something to do with that.
Aren't you Russian? I don't think you can not like vodka.
That's why I waited somewhat to post this stuff. To make sure it was all over. That, and the university keeps me busy.
I'd block them if they follow you.

Some people just enjoy attention for the sake of getting attention... I've seen too many people like that.

Oh shoot this person's been following me for a while. Even (maybe?) drew me fic fanart. They also asked when my next fic update was going to be a few times, which though annoying, was relatively harmless.

Whatever, blocked now.

But everything they did is just... All sorts of messed up. Sorry you had to deal with that.

Yeah, some of the accounts acted more innocuous than others. I'm just worried they're going to keep following and picking on creators in such a discriminatory fashion.

Yeesh, stay safe Ice!

Hopefully, they're not going to make another alt.

How do you know you're not the alt?

go chuggony some pine-sol

There was a small part in there about being afraid of gay people is pointless and there’s absolutely no reason why worth respecting that fear, followed by taking a stab at them for it.

Hey Ice, what if a person got brutally raped by someone who’s the same gender as them~?

Otherwise, I sympathize for the drama you went through.

Even if you aren't Russian, trust me. Add vodka to cookie dough, and bake. It's amazing. XD and hey, that's stereotypical! ....but I'll let it slide. XD

That’s really shitty. Sorry to hear this happened to you.

Sorry you had to put up with all that. Good to hear it seems to be resolved now, though.


Hey Ice, what if a person got brutally raped by someone who’s the same gender as them~?

I think that would be classified as something else. Probably just generalization as a result of trauma.
I don't get why people on the site are this dickish about some of the most simple things.

What a wild ride. Jeepers creepers

Yep. Also, someone has already started downvoting my comments here. Huh.

Eeeeeh. I don't know. I know personally the other...person (great use of words, me) and I heard a very different side. My opinion isn't all that valid because I'm unimportant I know nothing about alt accounts and what happened there, but..I don't know. I think they're a nice person. I don't really want to get mixed up in this, though.


I heard a very different side.

I'm not really sure what kind of a side they can have. They don't really have much evidence they could use. You aren't required to get caught up in anything, but I'd really suggest blocking them. If they were this willing to do this to me, I'm sure they're incredibly willing to do this to other people too.

What a wild story... I've had someone use an alt to get around the fact that I blocked them, but I've never had them make a seperate blog to make fake "mean messages" at me. That sounds like a lot of effort... wow. Sorry you went through that.

This person sounds like a totally stable and rational individual and is in no way unhinged.

Also couldn't help laughing at them saying They follow because they like your works not to bash your sexuality and then ask where they assumed you were gay.

Honestly though i'm sorry you had to deal with such a person and I hope this doesn't have too much effect on you.

What a fucking shit show. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

I'm mostly hoping that there's no more alts out there. I know some people have made dozens of alts before.

Unspoken_Warrior according to the Lost_Soul04's account is another alt, just as a warning.

Well, they're blocked now.

Sorry you went through all of that. :ajsleepy:

.... And my friends ask me why I own more than one firearm. Have they not seen the lunatics that inhabit this planet?!

‘Twas a joke

Mr.Krabs once sold Spongebobs soul for 62 cents.

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