• Member Since 15th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2012


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  • 617 weeks
    asdfghjkI AM SO SORRY

    I have been gone for a few weeks. I have no excuse. I've just been sitting on the couch and watching Doctor Who.

    I am sorry.

    But I am back.

    Updates are coming.

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  • 623 weeks

    >Both of the Four of Us

    2 comments · 577 views
  • 627 weeks
    Would you read this?

    Okay, I apologize in advance for this, because chances are that, if you are following me, you want me to update Both of the Four of Us and/or My Little Higurashi, and I'm working on that. I really am. But I never was capable of working on only one thing at a time, and I've got an idea for a story that I'd sort of like thoughts on.

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  • 627 weeks
    In which TwinkieSpy is tagged

    I am not one to back down from a challenge. Except for every time I have been challenged and then proceeded to back down. BUT NOT TODAY.

    1. You must post the rules.
    2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal
    3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.

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  • 629 weeks
    Next Chapter Delayed By Crushing Depression

    Okay, so it's not really "crushing," and it's not really depression, either, but, long story short, I stumbled upon very depressing moment in a TV show I am currently watching and have kinda just been sitting there, eyes watering for what I swear are completely unrelated reasons, and texting my friends who have seen a lot more of said show than I have and asking them what the hell they

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In which TwinkieSpy is tagged · 3:02am Jun 5th, 2012

I am not one to back down from a challenge. Except for every time I have been challenged and then proceeded to back down. BUT NOT TODAY.

1. You must post the rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.
6. No tag backs
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people


1. I get really neurotic about watching TV shows out of order. Even with cartoons like MLP, I had to start from the beginning before I could even touch the other episodes.
2. When I was... 13, I think, I developed a huge crush on L from Death Note. I still have that crush. Good God, I love him.
3. I have a lot of story ideas that I get really pumped about and start planning for and everything, but then they never actually happen. This is a large part of the reason why my updates take so long.
4. I love horror movies. Some of my favorites are Insidious, The Thing (the 80's one), and The Shining.
5. I really, really liked "This Day Aria" from the season 2 finale. Quality music right there.

Questions (as composed by Clonetrooperkev):

1. Do you actually write stories or comment on them and give reviews? Or both. Elaborate your answer on why.
I write stories and sometimes comment. I usually don't give the most in-depth or helpful reviews unless asked, but I like to think I've given some quality advice. As far as why, I write stories because... I like writing stories about cartoon ponies, dammit, and I read them because, well... I like reading stories about cartoon ponies. Dammit.

2. Do you believe that while Celestia is the primary ruler, she has allowed too many things to go wrong and needs to be replaced?
Nah, I like Celestia. Of all of the things that have gone wrong, none of them are actually her fault, aside from maybe allowing Chrysalis to infiltrate Canterlot. I know a lot of people think she doesn't do enough as far as taking action when the villain of the season shows up, but I see that as sort of... benevolent manipulativeness. Like Dumbledore. Could she have defeated Nightmare Moon on her own? Maybe, but then who would be prepared to step up and defend Equestria when something actually bests her? Nopony, that's who.

3. Which super hero movie will you be favoriting this summer. Please explain why.
I haven't seen The Avengers yet (I know, I know) and I've heard that it was pretty friggin' awesome, so I'll probably get on that when I have the time. I'm not a big fan of superhero movies, just because it feels like a lot of them follow the same cookie-cutter plot of Protagonist is Insecure and/or Irresponsible -> Protagonist Gets Superpowers -> Things Explode -> Protagonist Becomes Confident and/or Responsible.

4. Which is your favorite piece of literature?
That... is a very difficult question to answer. I'm a big fan of Stephen King's novel It, so maybe that one? It's a really quality piece of literature; like a coming-of-age story, but with more Eldritch abominations. And it has a lot of genuinely scary moments, by which I mean that I literally had to get up and walk into a brightly-lit room with lots of people before I could continue reading. This coming from someone who very rarely finds herself scared by horror movies, that means a lot.

5. Which of the Mane 6 would you be in a relationship with and why?
Um... well, I'm a (mostly) heterosexual female and also human, so I can't say I really see it working out with any of them. But, just placing that aside for the moment, I guess Twilight Sparkle? We're alike in a lot of respects--we both love reading, usually play the straight man/pony in our respective groups of friends, and share the same tendency of overreaction towards... anything, really. But at the same time, there are some notable differences--she's very much a scientist, whereas I'm more the right-brain type and have no patience for the scientific method. So, idk, I guess if I were a lesbian pony, it might work out?

6. Has being a brony taught you tolerance?
I like to think I'm a fairly tolerant person, and have been since before I became a brony. I usually don't let fandom-related things affect non-fandom-related parts of my personality, so I'm gonna say no. But, like I said, I think I was at least a bit tolerant to begin with.

7. Are you more outgoing since you've started writing?
Mm... yes, but that probably has a lot to do with the fact that, before I started writing, I was a painfully shy, completely neurotic, preteen bundle of nerves. I don't know if writing had anything to do with it, but I've gotten a lot more comfortable with myself since then.

8. For the Whovians, who is your favorite Doctor? If you don't watch Who, give your explanation as to why you haven't watched Who.
I like the Ninth Doctor, admittedly just because he was the first one I saw. Eccleston played it a bit darker and edgier than his predecessors and successors, too, which was cool. Oh, and my shipping radar was off the charts during the episodes when he was around, which was great for people like myself who rarely watch something unless they've got an OTP to root for. It's just a shame he was only around for one season.

9. Do you like Sci Fi? I sure do and firmly stick with it.
I love science fiction. I prefer soft sci-fi to hard sci-fi, usually, but either way, I am completely on board.

10. What's the greatest thing you'll ever learn?
When I finally learn to draw hands in an anatomically correct manner, my life will be complete.

11. You've suffered enough, what's your favorite fruit?
Strawberries. Delicious and adorable--what's not to love?

New Questions:

1. Who are your favorite and least favorite ponies of the Mane Six, and why?

2. What is your favorite piece of My Little Pony fanfiction?

3. Do you have an OTP (One True Pairing) for My Little Pony? If so, what is it and why? If not, why not?

4. Do you play video games? If so, which game is your all-time favorite? If not, why?

5. Ever been to 4chan? If so, which board and to what extent did it scar you for life?

6. Do you prefer Season One's fanon Luna, or Season Two's canon Luna? Why?

7. So, is her name Derpy Hooves, Ditzy Doo, or Bright Eyes? Why do you stick with that name?

8. Who is your favorite fanon pony (i.e. Lyra, Colgate, Vinyl Scratch, etc.) or fanon personality (i.e. "Cupcakes" Pinkie, Trollestia, Jappleack, etc.)? Are there any that you aren't so fond of?

9. TVTropes refers to unintentionally scary moments in children's media as "Nightmare Fuel." Were you unsuspectingly exposed to any notably horrific Nightmare Fuel as a child? What was it?

10. You're walking along the street one day when Twilight Sparkle steps out of a conspicuously glowing portal and invites you to join her and her friends in Ponyville. Just one catch--the portal is going to close permanently after you enter it. Do you?

11. How many letters are in the answer to this question?

Victims: (I'm just tagging the first 11 people on my followers list, so... sorry.)




Meta Knight



Diamond Sparkle


Tsuki no Mai



Report TwinkieSpy · 1,047 views ·
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Ha! Now I feel special! :derpytongue2:

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