• Member Since 15th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 28th, 2019


Just somepony who likes words

More Blog Posts11

  • 284 weeks
    Current status:

    Listening to Bonfire Hearts and writing WSY.

    This job and parenting and health and family thing is hard you guys

    I'm sorry for the wait :P

    6 comments · 366 views
  • 309 weeks
    Not dead

    Selling a condo. Buying a house. Struggling with some personal things and some health things. Working on the next chapter.

    Definitely feeling the pressure because this next bit is maybe the most important and difficult part of the whole story?

    Tldr: I'm not dead or AWOL I'm just experiencing some Real Life and also some Difficult Chapter

    7 comments · 335 views
  • 317 weeks
    Chapter 12 update

    Got a good first draft going, targeting end of May? Earlier if I can swing it. Would love to get it out on my b-day next week but that might be pushing it.

    Just wanted to keep you in the loop. You guys are the best and I don't want you to worry that I'm running off again or anything.

    4 comments · 290 views
  • 319 weeks
    Let me tell you a story (5/?)

    Chapter 11 is through the first draft and into revisions. It may end up being on the short side but if it is, 12 will be big to compensate

    And the great news is a bunch of scenes got moved to 12 so basically I have a small headstart on 12 already. Yey.

    3 comments · 357 views
  • 320 weeks
    Let me tell you a story (4/?)

    Ok, one of you said you wanted the long version.

    This is...

    Well, this is the extended short version

    Finished undergrad (on the third try), actually published chapter 10 within a couple days of graduation

    Had writer's block

    Got VERY ANGRY at myself for having writer's block

    Felt ULTRA ASHAMED for slipping my own internal goals for when 11 would go up

    Read More

    5 comments · 473 views

Wild Sky Yonder Dramatis Personae · 11:19pm Mar 22nd, 2012

This list is not complete. With a few exceptions, characters will only appear here if they have appeared in a speaking role in the story In some cases, only nicknames are given if full names have not appeared -- I’ve also left out some full names if they’re extraneous and/or would only serve to clutter the story. For instance, Buff’s name is Foehn, and Wax’s is Spring Moon. Knowing that doesn’t add much, does it?

Camp Solar Staff
Note: the title of “Sergeant” is honorary and bestowed upon officers assigned to training units. All active members of the Imperial Pegasus Search & Rescue Corps are technically officers.

Aurora Borealis, “Light Show;” Captain IPSRC, former Wonderbolt, commanding officer of Camp Solar.

Firelight; Captain IPSRC, chief medical officer at Camp Solar.

Coriolis, “Cori;” Commander IPSRC, training officer assigned to A Flight.

Thunderhead, “T-Bone;” Lieutenant Commander IPSRC, training officer assigned to B Flight, son of Aurora and Bastion, husband of Dee, father of Little Dee.

Moonglow; Lieutenant IPSRC, training officer at-large, formerly assigned to F Flight.

One officer apiece is assigned to flights C through E and G through L. The base also houses various medical and support staff.

Northwing Squadron
Frequently referred to as Red Squadron for the color of their uniform trim

A Flight
One: Diamond Dust, “Big Shot;” competent and self-assured, lacking in empathy and social graces. Calls Spitfire “Stain” and sees her as an impediment.

Two: Shifting Winds, “Shifty;” conniving and sneaky, wingmate and devoted follower of Diamond Dust, excels at learning secrets she shouldn’t.

Three: “Buff;” her gruff and gritty exterior belies her skill as a medic. Her nickname seems to be a bit of an inside joke for A Flight.

Four: “Wax;” compact, strong, and quiet; she is content to let One be the loudmouth of A Flight, but she is arguably the most capable.

B Flight
Five: Stargazer, “Wedge;” brother of Soarin’ and Thunderhead. Has a propensity to say the wrong thing at the right time, much to his wingmate’s delight.

Six: Scarlet Sunrise, “Red;” Stargazer’s wingmate. She has a fun-loving mischievous streak a mile wide.

Seven: Spitfire, “Sunshine;” a young mare from Cloudsdale who has an unusual talent. If you love her she’ll fly down a hydra’s throats and rip it to shreds from the inside to protect you -- just please don’t be grossed out when she does, OK?

Eight: Soarin’; Brother of Stargazer and Thunderhead, has been described as a real sweetheart. Evidently Soarin’ is short for something, but that’s a sensitive subject.

C Flight
Nine: Perigee, “Pears;” a mare from Cloudsdale, Perigee is a year or two older than the average recruit; Apples and Pears are cousins, though they’re so close that most mistake them for little brother and big sister.

Ten: Meadowlark; Formerly of Sgt. Moonglow’s F Flight, she was moved into C Flight after F’s other three members washed out. The original red ten washed out early for leaving camp without permission.

Eleven: Dawn Patrol; Dawn is from a military family, like Wedge and Soarin’.

Twelve: Apogee, “Apples;” a young stallion from Cloudsdale.

Other Cadets
Flights A, B, C make up North/Red squad; D and E make up East/Gold*; G, H, I make up South/Green, and J, K, L make up West/Blue
*Per chapter 5, F Flight is now defunct.

The members of flights D-L will be added to this list if and when they appear in the narrative

Family Members

Bastion; Husband of Aurora, father of Thunderhead, Stargazer, Soarin’, and at least one more child, the unnamed unicorn daughter mentioned in chapters 2 and 4.

Ditzy Doo, "Dee;" Wife of Thunderhead, baby sister to Zenith

Dinky Doo, "Little Dee;" Daughter of Dee and Thunderhead

Jagged Peak, “Jag;” former Wonderbolt, deceased. Spouse of Zenith. Childhood friend of Aurora.

Zenith, “Zene;” former Wonderbolt, deceased. Spouse of Jagged Peak, elder sister of Dee. Spitfire is looking at photos of Jag and Zene in chapter 4, though she does not know this at the time.

Report Mysecsha · 1,562 views ·
Comments ( 16 )

Okay, I'm guessing at Easter eggs again. Red squadron, Five, name of Wedge: Star Wars reference? Or am I just seeing things with that one.

OOOOH I shouldn't. I REALLY shouldn't.

But I cannot resist.

rdaniel, the rabbit hole is even deeper than you know. What are Commander Antilles' parents' names?

Aww dude. Wedge, with Jag an zene? That implies some REALLY dramatic stuff about stargazer dude. Like, tragic hero shit. I NEVER would have caught that... Tht is one o the most obscure star wars references possible.

This actually really does help. Now i finally can figure out who is who and what is actually HAPPENING. So many nick names. Really wanna see chapter six! Eagerness reaching critical!

26867 so go read it!

Hmm, cat's out of the bag. Edited some real names into the DP to keep it current.

So, why Ditzy and not Derpy? I know it's a sensitive subject, and I know I went with what some fans will consider the "coward's option." I disagree for 2 reasons

1) her eyes aren't derped yet. An underped derpy doesn't make sense to me.

2) I like alliteration. :derpytongue2:

26856 Okay, so that's AWESOME!! I knew there was some back story for Star Wars, established by the novels, but I didn't realize how much. So we have Derpy, and we have Star Wars, am I missing any other Easter eggs in this story. The reindeer with the name of Comet is the only other one that jumps out at me. (Christmas Easter egg?)


Well, now. I can think of a few more little prizes hidden in here. No hints, though, because from here on in the easter eggs themselves could bring plot spoilers with them.

40699 I am intrigued by the prospect of how Ditzy will become "Derped"

And of course, alliteration is always a viable reason for any decision :moustache:

... Damn. I never even thought about Wedge!
I know about him being an avid reader of the Star Wars wiki from time to time... but I had NOT seen that... is it just an Easter Egg or is it something more however...


Well, that actually has a complicated answer.

Allow me to take you on a trip to the distant past, all the way back to NOVEMBER!

I read The Descendent's incomparable Cup of Joe and decided I wanted to write my own fic about Equestria's defenders. I won't go on a thousand-word treatise about all of the various world-building decisions I made first, but I decided I was most interested in Equestria's fighter pilots: the Wonderbolts and the pegasi in the Guards.

So my starting points were other fighter pilot tales: Top Gun, the Star Wars: X-Wing novels by Stackpole and Allston.

My starting point for Stargazer as a character was to take Wedge Antilles and ponify him, though that was only the starting point. Walking it all the way back to basics, I think I've made him my own character. For example, Wedge took a snubfighter and murdered the pirates who killed his parents in cold blood, and his adopted family was smugglers. Stargazer's not like that. How do the differences in their formative years make them different people?

So, the references are part easter egg, part shoutout to the stories that inspired me. Wedge's birth parents constitute the most elaborate and thorough example.

as a Top Gun shoutout, I thought very seriously about doing an April Fool's update where Spitfire and Bigs settled their differences with a high-stakes game of beach volleyball, but I doubt I'll have time to do it justice. :rainbowlaugh:

Fascinating... completely and utterly fascinating. Quite a lot more background to these characters then I had suspected it seems, I like it.
So you recommend people to read... what was it, Cup of Joe? The story that inspired your own?

Omigawd I read the X:Wing novels years ago! This brings back so many memories...


As a general rule, if I've got it favorited, then one of two things is true:

either I think it's incredible, or I'm helping to pre-read it and am good friends with the author (in which case I still think it's incredible, but I might be biassed :scootangel:)

so, yes, by all means go read






and everything by Drakmire and Cold in Gardez and everything else I've faved.

Once I've got time, I will go ahead and do so!

You know, I think it would be a good idea to say what the ponies colour is (Pelt as well as Hair/Mane) and what their cuite mark/talent is.

26823 Nope, you're seeing it through The Force.

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