What do all these other bookshelf options do?

Views: 3,751, Added: Jul 22nd, 2011

The ‘Quick Add’ option creates a button for your bookshelf at the top-left of any story’s page, which allows you to instantly add or remove that story from that bookshelf. It’s a convenience option, useful if you have a bookshelf you add stories to often, or if you want to quickly add a lot of stories to a bookshelf.

The ‘Track Unread’ option tells your bookshelf to keep track of how many chapters you haven’t read from all the stories you’ve added to it. This can be useful for making sure that you don’t miss any new updates to a story in that shelf, or for keeping track of stories that you haven’t gotten around to reading yet.

The ‘Email Updates’ option tells Fimfiction to send you an email whenever a story in that bookshelf updates, which is another handy tool for making sure that you don’t miss a new chapter for a story you’re following.

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